P7 Mrs Eloff
Term 3
Term 2
This term we had the opportunity to meet an amazing author, Onjali Q Rauf. Her first novel 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' is a popular novel to read in our school. We travelled to the Beach Ballroom with other schools from Aberdeen for this event. Once there, Onjali introduced herself and she gave us a bit of background about her life and what inspires her to write her wonderful stories. She talked about her charity work where she travels to France to help the refugees. We also had the opportunity to ask her questions at the event. Waterstones sold her novels at the event and pupils had the opportunity to buy or bring a novel for her to personally sign. She took time to talk to each pupil and she was so lovely to talk to. This was such a wonderful experience and one we will remember forever!
Term 1
We have been having great fun getting to know our buddies in Primary 1. Some activities that we have been doing are; reading together, exploring shapes for Maths Week Scotland, creating abstract art for autumn and drawing portraits of each other.
Youth leaders
We have been exploring what it means to be a leader, how to communicate successfully and be part of the community during our leadership sessions with Praise and Rachel. Every week we play games, role play and take part in different activities. It has been a great experience and we are really enjoying it!
High School Musical - Tivoli Theatre
Along with the other Primary 7's from our ASG, we were invited to be part of the audience at the dress rehearsal show of Oldmachar Academy Art Department. It was such a lovely opportunity to go and support them. We were amazed with the talent of the academy pupils. We all thoroughly enjoyed this experience, thank you for inviting us!
Learning through play
This term we have been setting some challenges to extend our learning through different activities. During this time we worked on a variety of skills like problem solving, literacy, numeracy and team building. It has been great to see how the Primary 7's take what they have learned during the week and apply this knowledge and understanding of a topic.