Eco Committee
Litter Pick 10/02/22
We had the pleasure of having P1/2 join us on our litter pick this week. We picked up lots of litter from our playground. P6/7 hopes this will show the younger pupils in the school how important it is to bin your rubbish!
January 2022
Global Goal 15: Life on Land
Today we were learning about how life on land is important to our earth and thought about how we can be nature positive. We thought about how nature helps us and discussed different ways that we could be Artivists. Artivists means using art to bring about social change or raise awareness about a topic.
We used a Jamboard to share our ideas about what nature means to each of us, why it is important and share our ideas about how we could help nature at home and at school.
We wanted to make tree pictures to explain how important nature is to our planet. We used lots of different resources like tooth brushes, cotton wool, string and straws to experiment making different tree textures.
We also wrote a Tweet together to share encourage people to be nature positive too.
Ethan, Logan and Fraser
December 2021
Eco Schools Scotland - Feedback
P6/7 submitted their draft action plan and received their feedback today. We are excited to continue our work towards a Green Flag status.
Eco Code
As part of our 'Green Flag' award we had to create an Eco Code. This code shows what we will do as a school to be more Eco friendly. Our winner was this one. We liked how they used the letters in Danestone to come up with our rules.
Eco Badge
P6/7 were tasked with designing a logo/badge for our Eco Committee. They had to think about what colours make us think 'Eco', images that represent our focuses this year and include our school badge.
P6/7 Update September 2021
To start our committee this year we are planning to do a litter pick around the school. We are also going to make posters to encourage everyone to pick up their litter and recycle when they can.
P6/7 Action Plan 2021-2022
June 2021 - Seed Bombs!
Primary 5 have been researching information about bees. We found out that they are endangered and how we can help them. One of they ways is to plant more flowers for them to feed from and pollinate. P5 made their own seed bombs which we threw into our playground.

June 2021 - Grow Your Own
Primary 5 have been learning about sustainability. We discussed and researched what food miles were and how this affects our planet. One of the ways we can reduce our food miles and be more sustainable is to grown your own food. Primary 5 grew some vegetable in class. This included lettuce, radish, peas, broad beans and cress.
14th June 2021
Today P3 and P5 shared their learning in our virtual assembly. Both classes have been learning about being ECO and are trying to spread the ECO message around our school. We are sure you will enjoy listening to their assemblies.
June 2021 - Primary 3 began designing and building our own pocket planters. The class started by designing a planter with their partner then having a vote on their favourite to make as a group. We started building our planters out of lego and they are almost ready to add soil and seeds.
Week beginning 31st May the P5 pupils organised a Bike to School week.
As part of our celebrations of World Environment Day Primary 5 organised a bike/walk/scoot to school week. We created posters to make others aware of bike safety and the importance of wearing a helmet. We also conducted a two surveys to find out how how people traveled to school the previous week and compared it to our bike/walk/scoot week. We were so delighted to see how many Danestone pupils took part.
May 2021 - Primary 3 have been learning about growing our own vegetables. We had a discussion about how this helps us to be sustainable and looked at different vegetables we can plant. The class also enjoyed learning that some vegetables are seasonal. We will soon be making our own planters to start our own pocket gardens.
April 2021 - In Primary 3 as part of Earth Day we had a discussion about all the different ways we can help our planet. We had great suggestions such as recycling and making sure we keep our planet clean. We then created our own Happy Earths using paper plates. When we are finished with our creations they can all be recycled.
Litter Pick
April 2020 - Primary 5 headed outside to pick up litter around the playground. Nearly all the pairs managed to fill their bags and our playground is looking much tidier!
Litter Posters
April 2020 - Primary 5 created some litter posters. We have put them in the windows around the school to remind everyone to put their litter in the bin.
Our Action Plan
March 2020 - Primary 5 have discussed some ideas we would like to action this term to help Danestone become more Eco.
Eco Committee
Primary 5 and Primary 3 have joined forces to become Danestone's Eco Committee this year. Our first job was to fill out an environmental review to help us narrow down what we would like to focus on this year. As part of the review, primary 5 went outside and conducted a litter survey. The pupils commented on how shocked they were and had never realised that their playground had so much litter. The children have come up with lots of ideas on how we can improve this including more bins and regular litter picks.
After the litter survey Primary 3 have began looking at our action plan and discussing ways we can arrange litter picks around the school. We also plan to display posters around the school to encourage children to bin their litter.