Primary 1/2

Mrs Henderson

P1/2 Newsletter - May 2022

11.5.22 Keep the Heid and Read!

To celebrate the power or reading, we took part in the First Ministers reading challenge and read for six minutes today with our P7 buddies. We had a lovely time sharing our favourite stories with them.

6.5.22 - Clay Experiments

This week we experimented with clay. We were all given a piece a clay to manipulate and use to create different shapes and objects. The clay was messy but we like to get our hands dirty. We were developing our fine motor skills by shaping the clay - it felt like a work out for hands!

26.4.22 World of Work Week

This week we participated in WOW week. We were very lucky to have so many special visitors come in to tell us about their jobs. We are feeling very inspired and now know about lots of different jobs that we cam do when we grow up. Thank you to everyone who came to see us and for sharing their stories with us.

P1_2 Class Newsletter April 2022.pdf

1.4.22 - Our Planet and Beyond

This term we have been learning about our planet. We have been learning about the sun, the moon and the earth, what makes day and night happen and also about the importance of recycling to help the planet. We created moon art work to show the moon during different phases. In partners we made posters to promote recycling.

18.3.22 - Red Nose Day

We had a fantastic day celebrating Red Nose Day. We came to school dressed in red or as our favorite superhero to help to raise money for charity.

9.3.22 Carnival Maths

We have been learning about money during maths lessons. Today we were given different coins and used them to pay to take part in different style carnival activities in the playground. We had a great time and it was an important experience to help us to understand the values of different coins.

P1/2 Class Newsletter - February 2022

17.2.22 - Have You Ever Seen a Penguin Come To Tea

P1/2 January Newsletter

18.1.22 - Exploring Shape

We have been learning about different 2d and 3d shapes. The Primary 2 girls and boys created 2 dimensional shapes using lolly sticks. The Primary 1 boys and girls used different 2d shapes to create pictures. Well done P1/2!

P1_2 Class Newsletter January 2022
P1/2 Newsletter Dec 21

8.12.21 Christmas Jumper Day!

We all had a lovely day wearing our Christmas jumpers to school. We started our Christmas crafts and some of us had a Christmas lunch too.

6.12.21 - Tomorrow's World

This term our context has been about technology and working with different materials. The Primary 1 boys and girls created mixed media rockets which also supported their phonics work. The Primary 2 children designed towns for the future. They thought about the different buildings they would need, included green spaces and connected their towns with road networks.

P1/2 Newsletter - November 2021

15.11.21 Buddies and Book Bags!

We had a wonderful time down at the Willowden this week. We met our P6 & P7 buddies for the first time and they gave us our fabulous book bug bags. Together, we looked at the lovely books, stationery and games in our bags before sharing a story. It was a very special afternoon and we are very excited for our next buddy session. Thank you to all of the fantastic P6 & P7 children for being so kind and caring towards us.

Sharing the Learning Assembly Nov 2021

3.11.21 COP26

We have been learning about climate change and what we can do to make a difference. We spoke about COP26, the climate conference that the world leaders have attended to speak about what different countries are going to do to help reduce climate change. Together as a class we read a book called Greta and the Giants. We had a circle time discussion and spoke about all of the small changes that we can make to help to save our planet. In pairs or small groups we made climate promises and posters. We took our posters outside and had a peaceful protest in the playground to show our promises.

Feedback from parents 15/11/21

"It was lovely to hear of the children working collaboratively to come up with their climate promises and signs."

"We love seeing everything you do in class ! Great work everyone đź’•"

"Yes very positive feedback it’s really nice that this is done for us parents to see our children's work. It’s very much appreciated thank you"

1.11.21 P1 Book Bags

The Primary girls and boys were delighted to receive their new book bags from the Parent Council. They are all very excited about starting their reading homework this week. Thank you very much to the Parent Council!

Term 2 P1-2 Class Newsletter.pdf

28.9.21 Duthie Park Trip

We went on a trip to Duthie Park with Primary 1. It was a brilliant day! We took part in a mini beast trail and a mini beast hunt. The rangers at Duthie Park taught us about lots of different mini beasts and we drew pictures of them to show their features. One of our highlights of the day was getting on a bus, it was all very exciting!

P1/2 Newsletter September 21

'Lucy's Blue Day' - Reflective Reading 8.9.21

Primary 1/2 read a picture book called 'Lucy's Blue Day' with Miss McLoughlin this week.

We talked about what makes us feel sad when we are having a blue day.

Then we used our cutting skills to cut strips of paper to create paper chains. We are going to use these to create a feelings rain cloud for display in the classroom.

3.9.21 Junk Modelling!

During our assembly last week, Mrs Blair and Mrs Page told us some information about climate change and what we can do to become Climate Leaders. We spoke about making small changes such as switching off the lights when we leave a room and recycling our rubbish. This week Mrs Blair shared an idea with us to encourage us to be Climate Leaders. She asked us to bring empty packaging such as cereal boxes and bottles into school to recycle into junk models. We all brought in lots of different bits and pieces which we used to help us design and create our fantastic models. We made rockets, xylophones, robots and maracas! Well done P1/2!

P1-2Class Newsletter.pdf