Outdoor Learning


Courtyard Improvements
P7 Outdoor Learning
P5 Outdoor Learning
P6 Outdoor Learning
(Website) Outdoor Learning with P6/7

Mrs Sayer - Outdoor Learning 2022-2023

P6 LP Outdoor Learning
P6 MATHS Outdoor Learning
P6 EA Outdoor Learning

Click on our slides to find our what P6 have been learning outside with Mrs Sayer. 

P5/6 LP Outdoor Learning
P5/6 MATHS Outdoor Learning
P5/6 EA Outdoor Learning

Click through our slides to find out what Primary 5 have been learning outdoors with Mrs Sayer 

P6's 12 Days Of Christmas
P5/6's 12 Days Of Christmas

Mrs Kerr - Outdoor Learning 2022-2023

Click the slides below to find out what Primary 2 have been learning outside with Mrs Kerr.

P2 Loose Parts - Key Questions, refelction and planning
P2 Numeracy - Key Question, reflection and next steps
P2/3 Loose Parts - Key Questions, refelction and planning
P2/3 Numeracy - Key Question, reflection and next steps

Primary 2/3 have been taking their learning outside with Mrs Kerr every Tuesday. Click on the slides to the left to find out what they have been learning. 

Miss Taylor - Outdoor Learning 2022-2023


P4 Outdoor Learning - Loose Parts
P4 Outdoor Learning - Maths

Primary 4 have been working outside with Miss Taylor every Monday.

Click on the slides to the left to find out what they have been learning. 

P4 Outdoor Learning - Expressive Arts

Primary 5 have been working outside with Miss Taylor every Monday.

Click on the slides to the right to find out what they have been learning. 

P5 Outdoor Learning - Maths
P5 Outdoor Learning - Loose Parts
P5 Outdoor Learning - Expressive Arts

Gardening Project Term 4 2022

Outdoor Challenge

We have amazing grounds here at Danestone and are so lucky to have so much grass and open space.


However, we think it could look even better.

This term we will all be working together as a school to develop and improve our outdoor space.

We will be documenting our journey below and look forward to sharing this all with you. 

Week 11 - End of term 4

Danestone Gardening Project 2022 end of term newsletter

Click the arrow above to see a new slide for each class 

We would love to get some feedback on our project. Please use the form below to share your thoughts, ask any questions or offer to help out. 

It only takes a minute and the pupils and staff love hearing from our families. 


Please scroll down to see some new photos of our pupils at work! 

Weeks 6-9 Update- Friday 17th June 2022

Copy of Danestone Gardening Project 2022 weeks 6 -9

Week 4+5 Update- Friday 20th May 2022

Danestone Gardening Project 2022 week 4 and 5

Feedback from our families 

"It is great to see the progress over the weeks and how the gardens are really beginning to take shape. I love how the kids are so proud of what they have been doing and are eager to show off their great ideas and hard work!" 

"The gardens are looking so good ! I love seeing them every day at drop off and pick up ! "

"The gardens are wonderful and the children have achieved so much. They will enjoy seeing their gardens grow and flourish over the coming year. Well done everyone."

"The gardens are looking so good! My favourite things are the P1/2 duck and all the vegetables starting to grow! "

"The gardens are really taking shape and look great! Will classes continue to look after the gardens they created this term after summer? "- we will be continuing this project next session and will discuss this with the children when we return.

"The garden is looking wonderful! Well done everybody for your hard work! "

"Its been so lovely to see all the gardens taking shape and the children are excited to show us what they have been doing with them. Its a great way of getting them outside and also teaching them how to look after the plants and how they grow and can help the environment. Its been a great project. Unfortunately we haven't been able to help out physically but we were happy to donate some plants to our respective child's classes." 

"Well done to everyone. I loved seeing all the gardening work while walking around during sports day x "

"This week the assignment was actually shared and I could see 7 slides that were given to the students as a gardening assignment. However, I wish the filled out slides were also presented so that the parents would know the final goal and what were projects were chosen. I still do not know if my child's projects was chosen to be built in the garden. Also, the feedback photos are extremely tiny. If these would be presented as slides also with each photo on a separate slide. Thank you for everything you do! " The staff loved looking at all the designs from the children and it was very difficult to choose one, for this reason they spoke to the children and together they decided to take parts from all the designs to create their garden, so there was no overall winner. As we are all learning about gardening, we don't know exactly what the end product will look like but this makes it even more exciting! I know the photos on the overview are quite small but if you scroll down the page, you will see plenty of full size photos from each class. 

text box

Week 3 Update- Friday 6th May 2022

Copy of Danestone Gardening Project 2022 week 3

Week 2 Update- Friday 29th April 2022

Danestone Gardening Project 2022 week 2

Feedback from our families and from our pupils- 

"Looks amazing! Nice to see everyone getting stuck in. Well done!" 

P4/5 went out today to visit all the class gardens and we wanted to give these compliments to other classes.

"We think P1/2s garden is great because its creative and looks unique to everyone else with the duck pond. We also thought the fence was lovely and we want to get one"

"We like the steps to the garden in P2/3M's garden and we loved the painted fence and the welly boots and the scarecrow"

"We like P2/3Ds posters and we liked that our buddy class had smelly plants, we enjoyed smelling the mint and the curry plants!" 

"Primary 5/6 are really impressed with everyone's garden. Its lovely to see the pictures of everyone working as a team, using communication, listening and cooperation skills. Well done everyone! "


Week 1 Update- Friday 22nd April 2022

Danestone Gardening Project 2022- Week 1

Feedback from our families -

"Well done everyone! I'm sure the gardens will look great in a few weeks"

"Great to see the pupils working together and taking a pride in their playground. Well done Danestone" 

"Good to see the pupils outside working together"

"I would like to see more photos of the children working in their garden"  (we will ask the pupils and staff to make sure they are taking photos when they are working outside) 




Primary 1 Mrs Smith



Primary 1/2 Mrs Henderson 


Day 1 - Preparing the soil for our new garden 

Day 5 after some planting! 


Week 3

Weeks 6-9

P2/3 Miss Davidson 



Weeks 6-9

P2/3 Miss Miller 



Week 3

Week 4 +5

Weeks 6-9

Primary 4 Mrs Eloff



Week 3

Week 4

Weeks 6-9

P4/5 Miss Crossan 



Week 4

Week 5

Weeks 6-9

Primary 5/6 Mr Farquhar 



Week 3

Weeks 6-9

P6/7 Miss Cook 



Week 4

Weeks 6-9

Primary 7 Miss Docherty



Week 3

Week 4+5

Weeks 6-9

Our Healthy World- May 2022

This term the whole school has been learning about ways to keep fit and Healthy as part of our 'Our Healthy World' context. As part of this project the pupils took their learning outside to find out more about the links between exercise and health. 

P7 were learning about exercise. 

Why does your body need you to breathe much faster with these activities?

What other factors can influence breaths per minute?

Why do you think breathing is connected to heart rate?

The World Beyond - February 2022

This term the whole school has been learning more about the World Beyond and comparing life in Scotland with other countries across the World. As part of this project the pupils have been taking part in a whole school outdoor challenge. Most classes chose to work with their buddy class and it was wonderful to watch their amazing teamwork, co-operation and leadership skills. 

Feedback from the pupils

"I enjoyed den building with P1/2 because we got to work the the clips , tarpaulins and sheets. We had so much fun and giggles"

"I liked helping the P1/2 to build it by themselves. We were the teachers and they were learning to do it themselves"

"I liked helping the P1/2 to learn new skills"

"It was great to be outside and mixing with the other classes"

"I enjoyed experimenting with the different loose parts. It was slippy so we had to remind the pupils to be safe and access the risk" 

"We picked a team leader who helped us get organised. Everyone played a different role and we managed to create a full obstacle course for everyone to try"

One of the other challenges was to decorate the Willow Den with tree creatures. We used clay, leaves and sticks to create our tree faces. Have a look at them the next time you are in the Willow Den.

Primary 4-7 went outside for an Outdoor Challenge morning. Once of the activities was to use the loose parts to create an exciting and challenging obstacle course. 

COP26 - Climate Challenges - November 2021

Recently, we have been learning about COP26, climate change and the importance of protecting our planet. This links to our Global Goals - #13 Climate Action.

Every class at Danestone was challenged to create a structure, den or shelter that would help them in a natural disaster or extreme weather situations, using our Loose Parts Play equipment. The children worked in groups in each class to try to solve their design problem. Have a look at their fantastic designs...

P5/6, P6/7 and P7 were challenged to create a shelter or home that could withstand a flood..

P4 & P4/5 were challenged to design a shelter or home having imagined that an earthquake has hit their city or town and all the houses in their street have been destroyed..

P2/3M & P2/3D had to imagine our playground was flooded with water. They were challenged to create a raised walkway to help children get to safety..

P1 & P1/2 had an outdoor classroom day. The children collected and sorted a range of natural materials and created dens for shelter from a storm for their COP 26 challenge. 

This school year we have been involved in the RSPB Wild Challenge Award. As we develop our learning outdoors we want the children at Danestone to become wildlife champions through their understanding, enjoyment and support for our wonderful wild life spaces. 

To achieve our Bronze Award we had to provide lots of evidence of our learning to Experience Nature and to Help Nature. 

Look Closer 

P7 observed, drew and labelled found natural objects.

Experiencing Nature 

Classes across the school participating in a range of activities within our school environment. 





Team Work 


We share our learning across our school, community and nationally through our class Tweets. 

Helping Nature