

Welcome to the Danestone Numeracy Hub. This site will provide help and guidance when supporting Numeracy at home.

Learning should be fun and include a variety of approaches to embed learning. You will find useful guides, videos, support links and activities to support and extend learning at home.

Happy Learning!

Mrs Duncan

Maths Week Scotland 2022

26th -30th September 2022

To celebrate Maths Week Scotland this year, pupils undertook daily challenges to explore and apply their knowledge and understanding of all things maths! Challenges included investigating shapes, sorting information, creating parabolic curve art and exploring how maths is used in a variety of careers.

Primary 4-7 also had a very special assembly to celebrate the week. Our Castle Captain applicants took the lead with their castles to support them with our first Castle Quiz of the year! Take a look at the slides and try some of the questions for yourselves!

Maths Week Scotland 29.9.22.pdf
Maths Week Scotland Highlights 2021

Maths Week Scotland 2021

27th September-3rd October 2021

All over Scotland pupils participated in Maths Week Scotland. Pupils had the opportunity to explore how we use maths in our everyday lives. Classes researched famous mathematicians, investigated what maths skills they will need in their dream jobs and applied their numeracy skills into real life problem solving.

Take a look at the Highlights from over the week in the Google Slides.

Numeracy Highlights

Maths Week June 2021

To celebrate being back in school we decided to host our own Danestone Maths Week. Pupils had the opportunity to put their numeracy skills into practice and share their love for maths!

Watch the video to see some of our highlights from the week!


Feedback from our parents

"It looks like there was a good range of activities and most of them were outdoors which is brilliant to see. Lots of happy children!!"

"I love watching these videos of the pupils learning"


Curriculum for Excellence is split into the following levels:

Early Level - Nursery to P1

First Level - P2 to P4

Second Level - P5 to P7

Third Level - S1 Onwards

Nursery - P3 Numeracy Guidelines

P4-7 Numeracy Guidelines

Numeracy Guidelines N-P3 for Parents .pdf
Numeracy Guidelines P4-P7 2020 for Parents.pdf