Primary 1

Mrs Smith

Our Healthy World


Primary 1 have been keen to learn what happens to our food when we eat it. Some children shared their knowledge.

"We have digestive enzymes in our tummy's"

"Our body gets rid of the bad stuff and keeps the good stuff."

We learned that our small intestines are 7 meters long and we measured this in our classroom! We couldn't believe that fits inside out bodies!

We did an experiment (which was cool, gross and funny!) to show our food moving through our bodies! We can explain what happens in the right order.

Outdoor Learning

We made a start on Our Healthy World Context. We have been learning about our bodies and how they work. In pairs we drew around ourselves and then used different items to represent our organs. Ask us what each organ does!

P1 Newsletter May 2022

World of Work

We had lots of lovely and interesting visitors who came in to talk to us about their jobs. We enjoyed learning about their jobs and had a chat about what we would like to be when we grow up. The children then used their learning in their play. Some created buses and vehicles with the construction and others engaged in some role play!

Primary 1's Garden

We are so proud of our class garden. Thank you to parents who have offered time and donated towards it. We have been very busy, digging, planting and watering and can't wait to see things starting to grow!

Term 4 P1 Class Newsletter.pdf

Context- Our Planet and Beyond

As part of our context, Primary 1 wanted to know how rainbows appear in the sky. This was quite tricky to understand but we explored different ways of using reflective materials and sunlight or torches to make rainbows appear. We made Newtons Discs to show reverse rainbows, if you spin them really fast the discs look white which shows what happens to our natural light!

  • We learned that rainbows are actually full circles! We just cant see the other half as it doesn't reflect onto the ground!

  • We learned that the light we see outside is actually made up of all of the different colours but we cant see it because it moves very fast!

  • Did you know... nobody sees the same rainbow because we are all looking through different rain drops!


We were using the readin strategies to explore 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark'. We used our visualisation skills to paint what Plop the owl might have seen in the night sky. We used play dough to make our own little owls and can sort animals and pictures into categories of day and night.

We also used our summarising skills to draw the main points of the story on the story boards.


We have been learning all about money.

We know what each coins value is and have been learning to use a variety of different coins to make different amounts. We are starting to realise that it is the same as just adding numbers which we can do already!

We enjoy playing different games and role playing to learn how to count and use money.

World Book Day 2022

We had such a lovely day in our cosy PJ's! We enjoyed some creative (but messy) activities and lots and lots of wonderful books! We shared our favourite books and characters and worked our fingers hard to make origami bookmarks. In the afternoon we enjoyed a hot chocolate together and joined in with some World Book Day songs.

Maths- 28.2.2022

To round off our maths topic; shape and symmetry, we worked our fine motor skills and brains really hard to try to crate a symmetrical design with hamma beads. We really enjoyed this activity and thought really hard about our designs.

Our new maths topic is money. We learned about all of the different coins and what they looked like. We sorted them, matched them, drew them and took part in coin rubbing to help us identify them. We were really good at matching each coin to its amount. We have also been exploring 1p's and 2p's in the water tray and trying to use our adding skills.

P1 Class Newsletter - February 2022


The Smeds and the Smoos

We have been learning and practicing our rhyming skills. We played rhyming bingo, we created our own aliens and gave them funny names. We made 'Missing' posters to help the Smeds and the Smoos find their friends Janet and Bill. The playdough we had was blue and red and we mixed it to make the Smed-Smoo baby who was purple! Our class puppet Jack also dropped off a rhyming basket and we had to match the rhyming pairs like carrot and parrot and truck and duck! We had such a fun morning!

P7 Buddies


On Tuesday afternoon, we had a lovely time in the Willow Den with our P7 buddies. They had been working hard to write their own version of an interactive book for us based on one they had used in class. They were wonderful books and we were so happy they came to share them with us.

P1 Newsletter Jan 22

January 2022


This term we have started learning about shape. We have been exploring different types of shapes and finding out their "properties" which is the facts about them. We have been using different shapes to make pictures and objects in our play and leanring and can see how they join together. We realised that shapes are EVERYWHERE!

Health and Well being

In health and well being we have been focusing on one of the SHANARRI indicators- Active.

We have been learning about keeping our bodies healthy and how being active helps us. We know it makes us strong, keeps us fit and help us grow. We did a little workout with Joe Wicks to see how we felt afterwards. We felt a difference in our hearts, our breathing and our temperature. We also realised it made most of us happy and smiley! We then shared and drew a picture of our favourite sport.

P1 Newsletter Dec 21


Our classrooms have had some exciting adaptions! We have a lovely new reading corner which gives us some quiet space with our friends to share a story together, it also has a cool whiteboard where we can use pens to write and draw and magnetic letters to practise making our common words and names too!

Since we are writing letters to a very important person soon, we have a post office where we can use lots of different tools to practise our writing and communication skills as well as develop our imaginative play.

The building site (as nicknamed by the children) has been very popular for children to engage in role play, team work and problem solving skills. There are lots of different materials for the children to explore and create with!

Health and Well-being


Over the past few weeks P1 have been working on some Gymnastics skills with Miss Sinclair. We all took part in a big obstacle course where we had to stop at different stations to balance, make shapes with our bodies, move in different ways and use our coordination skills. It was great fun... and hard work!

P1 Newsletter Nov 21


11.11.21- We have been learning about characterisation this week in our Talk for Writing session. We read 'The Gruffalo' and then used black pens to create drawings of him. We then identified his key features and used colour to make them stand out. The children used so much detail and worked very hard. I wonder where our writing will take us next week...



This week in Primary 1 we have been using game stations to learn about making 5 and 10 and what is one more and one less. The children used different strategies and resources to help them and also showed good team work skills when helping their partner. We have also been enjoying Number Talks where we explain our answers and we are beginning to understand that our classmates may have a different way of seeing and solving a problem.

Sharing the Learning Assembly Nov 2021

Term 2 P1 Class Newsletter.pdf



We have been working on our numbers 0-10. This week our focus has been the backwards number sequence and the formation of numbers. We had different activities at each station so we could all have a turn at developing different skills. For 'Maths Week' we were creating caterpillars using finger painting and had to be really careful to count how many each caterpillar needed.

Duthie Park Trip


Primary 1 and 1/2 went to the Duthie Park to take part in some outdoor learning activities with the park Rangers. We had lots of fun hunting for mini beasts in leaf litter and going on a mini beast hunt. We even practiced some of our letters and learned about the different kinds of insects and animals that live in our city.

P1 Newsletter Sept 21

Talk for Writing


Primary 1 have started using Talk for Writing to help us with our retelling and sequencing skills.

This week we read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. First we listened to the story (some of us knew the story very well!) then we used actions as a class along with the story. In pairs we then retold the story with our actions and role played with the caterpillar and helped him munch through all of the yummy food he ate. Next week we will create a story map together. The children were so enthusiastic using the actions and worked well as a class and in pairs.



We have been learning our first sounds in Primary 1.

a, t, s and i

We have been playing games and using different resources to help us identify, hear and use these sounds.


In numeracy we have been learning about the numbers 0-10. We have also been learning about measure and have had lots of fun exploring ways we can do this. We also made guesses for how many cubes long our feet would be and than checked to see if we were right. Most of us were on or very near our estimate!

Health and Wellbeing

We have been using the story 'The Colour Monster' to help us learn about our emotions.

We have been exploring each emotion and finding out how we can best understand and show these. We created a happiness wall to show what makes us all happy :-)

"Lucy's Blue Day" 10.9.21

Primary 1 read the picture book 'Lucy's Blue Day' with Miss McLoughlin. In the book Lucy's hair changes blue when she feels sad. We talked about what makes us feel sad. Then we used our cutting skills to cut strips of paper and make paper chains for our rain cloud display for our emotions wall.

Our Class Charter

Be the best you can bee!

To create our charter together we discussed what things will keep everyone happy, safe and healthy in the classroom and around the school. We thought about some of the rights we have and came up with lots of good ideas. To sign our charter we created our own bees and loved when we got to stick our faces on them!

Our charter says we need to:

  • be kind

  • listen to others

  • help to tidy up

  • look after our classroom

  • remember to use indoor voices

  • move around the classroom and school safely

We even discussed the word 'respect' and what this means for us and the toys and resources we use in class.

P1 Class Newsletter.pdf


We love learning through play!

Our Senses


We did a taste test to give new things a try and use our senses.

Some of us thought it was lovely and others thought it was yucky.

We tried crackers, lemon, banana, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, orange, natural yogurt and cheese.

All of us liked the milk chocolate and more than half of us liked the lemon!

Some of the foods we tasted were sour, sweet, squishy, crunchy, salty, dry or plain.