Useful Apps and Websites
Some useful websites and apps have been linked below.
Useful Websites:
Action for Children: Parent Talk.
Lots of useful resources and information pages for parents. Online chat option for those who need advice.
Mental health charity for children and young people that has a wide variety of helpful videos, games and articles. They have a free telephone helpline (0800 1111) and message boards where young people are encouraged to share experiences and support each other in a positive way.
Website that provides free resources for teaching children about healthy ways to cope with stress, anxiety and anger.
Website aimed at improving the mental wellbeing of young people. Includes resources for young people and professionals. Ayemind also signposts to lots of other useful websites.
Helpful apps:
This free app is for children and adults who want to learn how to manage stress and worry, and feel better.
This free app aims to help children and teenagers manage anxiety. The app helps to reduce physical responses to threat and change thoughts and behaviours through distraction and helpful activities.
Free wellbeing support from online counsellors. A free sign up service with discussion boards, helpful tips, articles written by young people, and the option to write mood journals and set positive goals.
A free app for encouraging mindfulness, meditation and positive wellbeing.
An app designed in Glasgow to help young people improve their coping skills and promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
This app helps people to capture their mood and express it by making music. Note: you do not need to know how to play an instrument to use this app.