Primary 4/5 Miss Crossan

Learning Styles 2.6.22

We were thinking about how we learn and took a quiz to find out what our learning style is. Please check our Seesaw accounts to see what kind of learner we are. However, first let us explain what the different styles of learner mean to us -

Auditory Learner: This means I might learn well by speaking and repeating out loud!

Visual Learner: This means I might learn by looking at pictures or drawing them out.

Kinaesthetic Leaner: This means I learn by being active and by doing things! For example, I might write something out to practice.

Multi-sensory: This means I might have two or more learning styles that suit me and I should try to do things that work for all my styles!

Written by P4/5

P4/5 Newsletter

Class Novel 12.5.22

We loved reading Attack of the Giant Robot Chickens so much in Term 3 that by a landslide, P4/5 voted to read the sequel this term!

We started our novel today and already we were shocked at some surprising events! Also, we are enjoying that in this book both main characters (Jesse and Rayna) are narrating the story rather than just Jesse.

Written by P4/5

Primary 4_5 Newsletter.pdf

Our Garden 19.4.22

Today, we all started to work on our class garden. First, we added some compost to help our plants grow. Then, we had a chance to plant some bedding plants which were called Doronicums, Leucanthemums and French Marigolds. We had lots of fun!

We are so grateful to everyone who brought in seeds and we are going to plant them the next time we go out. P4/5 have been thinking a lot about their garden and would like to add a fence and some potted plants.

If you are interested in helping us with our garden, please let the office know!

Written by P4/5

Red Nose Day 18.3.22

For Red Nose Day we completed a fun quiz about Red Nose Day and we dressed in our causal clothes or we wore a costume! We celebrate Red Nose Day to give money to different charities that help people in the UK and in the world. We watched a video about a boy called Teddy who gets help from Red Nose Day money because that funds a club he goes to that helps children who have vision difficulties.

Written by P4/5

P4 5 January 22

3D Shape 31.1.22

Today, we made 3D shapes out of matchsticks with a partner. Once we made our shapes, we described them using the words faces, edges and vertices and we had to remember what these words meant! Some of the shapes we made were a cube, a cuboid, a square-based pyramid, a triangular-based pyramid and even a tetrahedron.

by Primary 4/5


IDL/Life & Ethos 11.1.22

Primary 4/5 are writing this blog post!

We have been learning about Sustainable Development Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and Production. We think that we buy too many clothes and we don't need them all. It is bad to buy too many clothes because it hurts the environment. P4/5 went to the playground to show that for one pair of adults jeans we need to use 10 metres squared of land to grow the cotton needed. You can see this in our pictures and we used chalk to draw jeans inside the square.

When we learned that fact we felt shocked, amazed and surprised and Miss Crossan was too!

P4/5 suggest that you don't buy a new pair of jeans unless you really need them to save our planet.


Our Christmas Party 17.12.21

Primary 4/5 are writing this blog post!

We had lots of fun at our Christmas party and we played lots of games. We played corners, pass the parcel with dares and we had a dance competition. Before the party, we had a feast while watching Nativity and played Christmas Kahoots and made our names funny and festive!

From P4/5

IDL - Tomorrow's World 26.11.21

We have been learning about the different jobs that engineers do. Today, we thought locally about the wind turbines in the North Sea and Miss Paterson helped us to make our own functioning wind turbines out of paper. It was so much fun!

P4/5 Newsletter

Emotion Works - Body Sensations 8.11.21

This week we read a book about joy in Emotion Works and described the body sensations we feel from this emotion. P4/5 said they felt:

  • butterflies in their tummies

  • light, bouncy feet

  • their mouth would want to turn into a big smile

  • tingly across their whole body like they wanted to run or dance

We also thought about what brings us joy and really enjoyed sharing this with the class. Please ask us at home what we said, we would love to share!

From P4/5

Sharing the Learning Assembly Nov 21

October Primary 4 5 Newsletter.pdf

Reading - Summarising 1.10.21

Today we began to develop our summarising skills as we read a chapter of our class novel the BFG. We all drew around our hands on our whiteboards and as we read the chapter, we added in 5 key words or phrases that we could use to summarise what we had read. This was the first time this year that we practised summarising and Miss Crossan was very impressed with our ability to pick out the key points from what we had read. Our next step will be to turn our notes into sentences next week.

P4/5 Newsletter Sept 21

Weight - Measurement 14.9.21

Primary 4/5 have been learning about measuring weight this week in numeracy. We identified objects which would best be measured in grams or kilograms on Monday.

Today, we worked on reading scales and learned that to be successful we must:

  1. Find zero

  2. Look at the numbers - What do they go up in?

  3. Are there any extra lines between the numbers?

  4. What do you think they represent?

  5. Test your theory by counting between the numbers.

These top tips will help with your homework this week. :)

'Lucy's Blue Day' - Reflective Reading 8.9.21

Primary 4 read the picture book 'Lucy's Blue Day' in their reflective reading trios with Miss McLoughlin. They then used technology and Google Jamboards to discuss and record how they felt when they are 'happy', 'sad' and 'angry'. In the book Lucy's hair changes colour to show her feelings.

Dear World Leaders Project


September 2021

P4/5 were learning about The Sustainable Development Goals and we learned that 5 years ago, many world leaders signed up to the plan to end extreme, poverty, conquer inequality and fix the climate crisis. We watched a video looking at our world now and were sad to see that many of these problems have not improved. So we decided to write a letter to our World Leaders to let them know what we would like the world to be like when we grow up and encourage them to act faster to help our planet. Please watch our video to hear our letter.

P45 Newsletter.pdf