Danestone Primary is a Rights Respecting School

November 2021
ABCDE of the Rights!
Classes developed their class charters by including posters of the ABCDE of the Rights!
A Rights are for ALL children
B Rights are there at BIRTH
C Rights CANNOT be taken away
D Rights DO NOT have to be earnt
E All Rights are EQUALLY important
Rights Group Learning Walk
Some of the children in our P2/3 Rights group went on a walk around the school to look at the class charters created by each class. They thought carefully about their class charter and what they would expect ot like to see in each charter around the school.
The learning walk looked at different aspects of each charter.
Lots of looking carefully and discussion about what they saw.
The children gave feedback to each class about their charter.
Class Charters 2021
Primary 1
Primary 2/3 M
Primary 5/6
Primary 1/2
Primary 7
Primary 4
Primary 2/3 D
Primary 6/7
Primary 4/5
The Rights Respecting Schools Award programme supports schools to embed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC or CRC) in their practice to improve wellbeing of all and help children to realise their potential. It helps us to embed children's human rights within our school vision, values and aims.
The Convention is a very important document because it recognises that all children have the right to be treated with dignity and fairness, to be protected, to develop their full potential and to participate.
Every child at Danestone Primary is encouraged to be a Rights Champion.
Every class creates their own Class Charter which reflects which rights will be promoted and respected within each class.
These also reflect our school values: KINDNESS RESPECT POSITIVITY FAIRNESS and COURAGE
Find out what our Rights pupil groups have been focusing on. Click here to follow the link.
Nursery Class Charter
P1 Class Charter
P1/2 Class Charter
P2/3 Class Charter
P3 Class Charter
P4 Class Charter
P5 Class Charter
P5/6 Class Charter
P6/7 Class Charter
P7 Class Charter
Mascot Challenge
P1/2 and P6/7 are our Rights Respecting Life and Ethos classes. They have a very important role within our school to ensure that the whole community knows about the rights every child is born with and to ensure that these rights are being respected.
P1/2 set the whole school a challenge to create and design our very own Danestone Rights Respecting mascot.
Here are just a few of the designs. The standard was amazing and it was very difficult for the children in P1/2 to decide. They began by choosing the top 5 designs in each class and then the top five from across the school before Mrs Page was presented with the final 5 to choose from.
Some of the class describe their favourites.

Our winning design was created by one of our pupils in P3.
As a school we voted for our Mascot to be called....
Rainbow Rights
The video below shows a selection of designs from across the school. They are all wonderful in their creativity in showing the rights of the child.

During Life and Ethos sessions our P6/7 class have been critically engaging with the key principes which underpin the Rights of the Child and need to be reflected in all that we do in school.
Rights are for ALL children.
Rights are there at BIRTH.
Rights CANNOT be taken away.
Rights DO NOT have to be earned.
All rights are EQUALLY important.