P2 Mrs Christie

P2 Newsletter
P2 Class Teacher Newsletter
P2 End of Term Newsletter

W/B 30/10/23

This week we learned about forces and motion, building our own ramps and testing how far the cars could go. We used the words: friction, push, pull, skited, smooth, bumpy, slippery, rough, height, rolling, fast, slow and gravity. 

Megan - "I liked it when we could pull the cars back to let them go and watch them go very far."

Molly - "On the table if we pulled the car and it went forwards there was less friction than when it was on the carpet."

Gwen - "I liked it when we made the ramp out of blocks."

Feedback from our families 

Great to see the children’s learning. Love all the photographs and children’s work. Well done primary 2. 

P2 Class Teacher Newsletter

W/B 09/10/23

We were learning to play ghost throw this week in PE. We had to work on our underarm and overarms throws as well as our aim and accuracy. 

Boyd - "We had to use our eyes to help us throw."

Molly - "We had to practise our aiming."

Juliet - "We had to think about where we were throwing and look forwards."

Megan - "We worked safely."

W/B 02/10/23

P2 was very concerned that our Star cushion has gone missing! This week we have created some missing posters to see if other classes can help us find it. We have also imagined the adventures that Star might have gone on.

Aarav - "It was tricky to draw a star."

Zoey - "We thought of lots of describing words."

Arianna - "We miss Star so much because he is so cute."

P2 Class Teacher Newsletter.pdf