


Health and well-being in schools

We want all children and young people to be able to learn about health and well-being to ensure they acquire skills to live healthy, happy lives.

Health and well-being isn't a single subject or class, but is organised into six areas:

Health and well-being is also about ensuring that pupils are able to make the most of their educational opportunities regardless of their background or financial circumstances and through promotion of attendance at school.

Child Friendly Anti-Bullying 2021.pdf

Health and Wellbeing 2023-2024

P1/2 Health and Wellbeing

Respect Me Reward- November 2022

On Wednesday 16th November, we were delighted to welcome representatives from Respect Me- Anti Bullying organisation to Danestone School. They were in school to present Danestone their Respect Me reward for all the work we have been doing to promote positive relationships in school. Our assembly was led by pupils from across the school, who shared what we have been doing in school over the last few years. A copy of their presentation can be found below.

Scroll down to read the article from the Press and Journal. 

Term 2 week 3 assembly 22

Press and Journal Article November 2022

PJ article .pdf

Feedback from our families

"Absolutely loved reading this, it makes me feel so happy as a parent knowing my children are getting educated in a school that is working so hard to stamp out bullying…such a delight as how all children feel matters and if school can stamp out bullying the children can focus so much more on there work and school will be a joy to be in also with lots more lovely memories for all the children. Well done Danestone Primary 😊"

"Fantastic effort by everyone involved 🌟 it's a great subject to promote at any age".

P1-P3 VVA Slides
P4 - P7 VVA Slides