P3/4 Miss Davidson

The Stoor Worm Dragon P3/4

This term we went on an outdoor learning adventure. We were told in a letter that a Dragon had come to Danestone and we had to go and find them and trap them. 

World Book Day 2024

To celebrate World Book Day this year we made our own character masks and wore them in a parade round school! Look how amazing our masks were. 

A Sense of Scotland - Look at all our amazing learning this term! 

Sense of Scotland P3/4

Term 3 Week 8 in P3/4 

This week in P3/4 we had lots of fun in our creativity challenge. After reading the part of the Barnabus Project in which he escapes we decided to use the loose parts to create our own great escape for our creatures. We all had different ideas how to do this and worked together to make our visions come to life! Well done P3/4 

P3/4 Newsletter

Term 3 Week 3 in P3/4 

This week we were very busy Celebrating all things Scottish! We had our Scottish assembly where we shared our Poem Nessie the Loch Ness Monster. We did an amazing job! We also had lots of fun at our whole school Scottish Highland games! We even got to try out tug of war! 

We also had lots of fun on Friday making our own Scottish Cranachan. We had lots of making and trying it! 

P3/4 Class Teacher Newsletter
Term 3 week 2
Term 3 Weekly Review
P3/4 Newsletter Blank Dec 23
Energy Forces Powerpoint P3/4

Energy Forces Term 2 Look at all our amazing learning!

P3/4 newsletter

Our Learning in Week 7 

This week we had a circuit workshop we learnt all about electricity and how circuits work. 

We also had lots of fun performing at our Christmas show. Well done P3/4

We also created some amazing Grinch art! 


Week 6 This week in P3/4...

This week we created instructions for how to build a snowman. We are hoping for lots of snow soon so we can make them!

We have been learning about tiling 2D shapes and which shapes fit together perfectly. 

Open Day 27.11.23 

On Tuesday we had our open day, we got to make up our own Super Hero Character, we made a comic strip of the story Traction Man and described him. 

I liked doing making my own superhero with my mum - Ryan 

I liked when we made our own superhero because my mum helped me - Rae 

I liked when we were doing the comic strip because I got to share the story with my Dad and he helped me with some spelling. - Claire 

I liked making the comic strip with my Mum and Dad - Jordan

Week 3 Weekly Review 

This week we have been learning about Kinetic and Potential energy. We conducted an experiment to see what will roll the furthest. We used a ping pong ball, tennis ball and beanbag. We had to stack books and then roll the item down. Each time we added more books. We found that the tennis ball went the furthest. 

Why is a warm up important? PE

3.11.23 Weekly Review

We have been learning about Energy - Claire 

We have been learning about the different types of energy - Caleb 

We create our own paper Roller Coasters out of paper to learn about kinetic energy - Ryan and Arran 

In PE we learnt about our heart rate and learnt about what games make it go faster. - Ava 

In PE we also seen how slow our heart rate is in the classroom and how it is after running around. - Franco 

Feedback from our families

Great learning P3/4! Thanks for sharing. 

P3/4 Teacher Newsletter

Fantastic Mr Fox 

This term we have really enjoyed reading Fantastic Mr Fox. 

Look at all the amazing learning we have done. 

Fantastic Mr Fox

This week we have been learning ...

Week 7 

5th October 2023 Boccia

We played Boccia with our Buddies it was very good. - Claire

There were 2 teams. One blue and one red, blue won the most - Ava 

We also did the Danestone Dash, I did 69 - Zander

I enjoyed the Danestone Dash and Boccia - Ethan 

I was happy because we got to play Boccia with our Buddies. - Oliver 

I liked it because I got to see my sister  and play Boccia 

13th September 2023

To celebrate Roald Dahls birthday we researched facts about him on the chrome books and created our own posters using the information that we gathered. Well done P3/4

P3_4 Class Teacher Newsletter .pdf

Welcome to P3/4