Outdoor Learning
P1 and P1/2 Update September 2021
We had lots of fun making a map of our school. We went outside and looked for a place that would be good for us to make a garden. We are going to be planting flowers and vegetables.
By Alianna, Olivia, Amelia and Lois
P1 and P1/2 Action Plan 2021-2022
P1 Action plan 2020-2021
P7 Action plan 2020-2021
The pupils created their own website to share ideas- we hope you enjoy looking at it. Click on the link below-------
Wednesday 16th June 2021 P1 Outdoor Learning
Today P1 shared their learning in our assembly. It was great to hear from our youngest pupils who were able to share lots of the exciting learning they have been taking part in this year. They hope the other classes will be able to try out some of their ideas next session.
11th June 2021 P7 Outdoor Learning
Today we held a 'Sharing the Learning' online event, to tell the other classes what we been learning this session. Everyone was very impressed with our Website and we look forward to classes using it next session to improve their Outdoor Learning experiences.
The internet connection wasn't that good, so there is a lot of interference but hopefully you will be able to see and hear what we shared with the school.
10.05.21 We wrote letters to the other teachers asking for evidence of outdoor learning in the school such as photos or videos.
10.05.21 P7 thought of some next steps for our outdoor learning work — especially focussing on what might help pupils in the school to access outdoor learning better.
10.05.21 We spent some time finding some extra activities to put on the website for families to try out at home or for teachers to try out in class!
10.05.21 - Time
During maths lessons, Primary 1 have been learning about time and how to read an analogue clock on the hour. We took our learning outdoors today and, using hoops, chalk and sticks, we made clocks to show 9 o'clock. We chose 9 o'clock because that is when school starts in the morning. Well done Primary 1!
Primary 7 have been looking at ways we could improve our Outdoor Learning website to make it even better than last term! We discussed what might be useful for pupils and parents and created a Jamboard so that we could think of an outdoor learning action plan.
28.04.21 - Mandalas
We had a fantastic time during our outdoor learning session this week. Using donated and foraged flowers we worked in pairs to create mandalas. We tried to make them symmetrical which was tricky, but lots of fun! (We try to only use natural materials which have already fallen on the ground when creating outdoor artwork. We do not pick objects or damage plants.)
21.04.21 - Bird Survey
Primary 1 love to investigate their surroundings. Today we completed a bird survey to find out how many different species of bird visit our playground and Willow Den. This is another fantastic activity that is suitable for all classes.
14.04.21 - Maths Week
This term Primary 1 are continuing with their work to promote outdoor learning at Danestone Primary. To celebrate maths week, we took our sorting trays down to the Willow Den. We worked in small groups to collect a range of natural materials which we then catergorised based on type of object, colour, shape and size.
12.03.21 - Art
This week Primary 1 have been promoting outdoor art! We created nature collages using natural materials we foraged for. In pairs we created beautiful pictures. This was a really fun activity which lots of other classes could try too!
05.03.21 - Literacy (Listening and Talking)
This week, during our Willow Den session, Primary 1 created stories using story spoons. We worked in small groups to create a story using different characters from the spoons. We spent time listening to each others stories and sharing our ideas.
Primary 1 are very proud to be part of the Outdoor Learning Pupil Group. In class we discussed lots of different activities and lessons that we have done and would like to do outdoors. We created a working wall in our classroom to show these ideas.
Primary 7 worked together to create an outdoor learning website. We did a survey to find out how pupils felt about outdoor learning and gathered resources to give parents and teachers some ideas of what can be done outside.
We're also hoping to be able to share some fantastic work throughout the year on the site!
Primary 7 worked in groups to collaborate ideas for outdoor learning activities for different classes across the school. They then used these ideas to create a poster for each class with suggested outdoor activities displayed on them. Primary 1 helped too, by decorating the posters. Both classes really enjoyed sharing this task and working together to help promote outdoor learning at Danestone.
The posters are absolutely fantastic and Primary 1 and Primary 7 can't wait to share these with the different classes!