Our World

World Children's Day 2021

Saturday 20th November 2021

To celebrate World Children's Day everyone in school made a pledge to make the planet a better place to live. We were very proud of the pupils ideas about what they could do to make things better.

A planet full of plastic

September 2021

The pupils have been learning about the impact of plastics on our planet. We used a book called A planet full of plastic by Neal Layton as a stimulus for our discussions and learning in class. We focused on Global Goal 14, Life below water and discussed what we could do to help reduce plastics in our environment. The P4-7 pupils then designed inventions to clean up the plastics in our oceans.

Speak out for Afghanistan - Friday 3rd of September 2021

Speak Out for Afghanistan

One of our parents, Lee McAlister is trying to help the people of Afghanistan. Listen to his video to find out what he is doing to support some families currently in Afghanistan.

On Tuesday 31st of September, Mrs Blair held a short assembly to speak to the children about the situation in Afghanistan.

On Friday 3rd September we will be fundraising for Afghanistan and having a 'Speak out for Afghanistan' in our playground.

Dear World Leaders

September 2021

Our P4-7 pupils are taking part in the ‘Dear World Leaders’ project.

We are trying to encourage World Leaders to solve the Climate Emergency and protect our World and our future. We are creating messages to our World Leaders, that describe what our children hope the planet will be like when they are adults, if the Climate Emergency has been solved.

Tackling the Climate Emergency depends on all of us, so we wanted to show the World Leaders how we are doing our part.

We hope that by showing them, that we are already doing our part to look after our future, it will help them to take strong action in their discussions at COP26.

Primary 4 Dear World Leaders

2/09/21 Primary 4 decided to make a video clip to show our world leaders that we care about the animals around the world and that we would like to see them have a happy and healthy life in our future. We made animals by using recycled paper and natural objects that we found in and around the Willow Den. Our pledge is to pick up litter that we see lying around to make our community a happy place for all of the animals to live and survive.


Primary 4/5 Dear World Leaders Project

P4/5 were learning about The Sustainable Development Goals and we learned that 5 years ago, many world leaders signed up to the plan to end extreme, poverty, conquer inequality and fix the climate crisis. We watched a video looking at our world now and were sad to see that many of these problems have not improved. So we decided to write a letter to our World Leaders to let them know what we would like the world to be like when we grow up and encourage them to act faster to help our planet. Please watch our video to hear our letter.

P7 sent some messages to our World Leaders.

P5/6 decided to write a class letter to the World Leaders

Dear world leaders.docx

August 2021

Microbit Do Your Bit Challenge!

At the end of last term Primary 5 took part in a very exciting challenge. Through the post they received a special delivery of Microbits. Microbits are mini programmable computers that can be connected to your laptop. The Microbits can be coded and programmed to display pictures, share notifications, has a built-in motion sensor, can play music and can even communicate with other Microbits! Linking to the Virtual Microbit Classroom, pupils can try out different features, use their problem solving skills to create different codes, test their designs virtually before downloading it to their very own microbit.

Through the Do Your Bit Challenge, Primary 5 were tasked with designing a microbit code that helps to solve one of the Global Goals. Pupils could choose any of the 17 Global Goals from good health and wellbeing, life below water to climate action. The pupils in Primary 5 had a fantastic time discussing the Global Goals and trialling different code programmes and designs. Designs included Global Goal messages being shared, reminders about recycling at home and at school, positive messages to boost self esteem and fitness routine workouts.

Well done to all the great entries into the Do your Bit Challenge! To find out more and to give it a go yourself, go to https://classroom.microbit.org/ .

Paddington’s Postcards: Connecting Classrooms

On the 24th May we had our first Connecting Classrooms afternoon. This was an opportunity to explore the Paddington's Postcards we subscribe to every month.

P6/7 did an amazing job in creating the Google Slides for each class and assigning them a country to discover and explore.

We began the afternoon over Google Meet - this was our first whole school Google Meet for a while. It was fantastic to have everyone together.

World Environmental Day

On Thursday 3rd June, Danestone celebrated World Environmental Day. Each class learned about different things they could do to help protect our Planet.

Nursery World Environmental Day 2021

In nursery we have been busy with lots of learning and play, especially outside. In our Willow Den we have been planting and learning about what plants and our environment needs to grow and thrive. The children also took a keen interest in learning about bees and how important they are to our planet. More recently, we have taken on the responsibility of looking after some caterpillars and learning about how they grow and change throughout their life.

The children worked together to find a good place to plant where they knew the seeds and bulbs would get everything they needed to grow. They listened well when learning about plants and how different insects and animals are beneficial to our planet. Well done everyone!

03.06.21 World Environmental Day 2021

To celebrate World Environmental Day 2021, Primary 1 read the book; This Class Can Save The Planet. We had a Circle Time discussion to talk about the different things we can do to help the environment. We thought about the things we already do, like using refillable water bottles and giving our old clothes to our siblings or younger friends. We decided that we will try to use both sides of the paper when we are drawing or writing and to remember to switch the lights off when we leave a room.

We also learned about ecosystems today. We learned what an ecosystem is and the different kinds of ecosystems there are. During our outdoor learning lesson, we made tree rubbings.

We did this by working with a partner to hold each others paper over a tree trunk and then rubbed a crayon over the top. We then used our tree rubbings for the background of ecosystem collages. We are very proud of our collages and we used up lots of scrap paper to draw and colour living and non-living things to add to our ecosystems. Great job Primary 1!

June 2021

As part of World Environment day we read 'This Class Can Save the Planet' by Stacy Tornid. We discussed lots of different things we can do to help our environment and how if everyone makes little changes, we can all make a big difference.

We learned about Ecosystems and created some Bug Hotels to try and regenerate life in our Willow Den.

June 2021 - P2/3 Making Bee Bombs.

We researched why bees are so important to save and why we should look after them.

Chloe - They make honey

Calum & Sophia - They are important because without them the world will be a dull place

Cara - There will be no flowers without bees

Hagan - We won't have any fruit

Amber - Other animals depend on bees and what they do

What did we learn?

We learned about the different parts of a bee and what they do. An interesting fact is that they have a pollen pocket on their back legs! We also learned about the life cycle of the bee and how it develops and forms.

What did we do?

We decided to make bee bombs to help the bees by throwing them somewhere outside where the flowers will grow and make food for the bees.

P2/3 enjoyed learning about bees and how we can help them.

Primary 3

For World Environmental day we were learning about growing our own vegetables and how this reduces air miles. The children made their own Lego planters that we will use to plant vegetables.

P4 Litter Pick

Primary four completed a litter pick in our school grounds. Before heading out to collect litter we learnt about the effects litter can have on our environment. We discussed as a class the importance of educating others to dispose of litter correctly so that our playground can be a safe and pleasant environment to play.

P5 #generationrestoration

P5 learned about the history of World Environment Day and focused on working on this year’s theme #generationrestoration. To encourage others to think more about the importance of restoring our planet, we drew the earth with a polluted side and a healthy side. We really hope that in the future, everyone will keep trying their best to live in a sustainable way and care for our planet!

P5/6 Recycling

For world environmental day P5/6 recycled tin cans by painting them different colours and patterns. Then we planted different types of wildflowers in them and we are watering them every day and leaving them out in the sun outside our classroom.

We made bee leaflets about how they are endangered and how to help them using research from the internet. We decorated them with honeycomb shapes and drawings of bees.


Heidi: "We learned a lot about climate change, and want to make a difference"

Alex: "We've been researching climate change to make sure we can help others learn about it and how to prevent it"

Jak: "It's really important that everyone knows how to protect the environment."


Laura Sutcliffe - Renewable Energies

May 2021

Primary 4 - This week we took part in a fantastic drama workshop called 'Our World, Our Future'. We learnt about different sources of energy and the importance of renewable energy like wind turbines. The workshop was fun because we created different actions and enjoyed working within groups and talking partners.

UNICEF is partnering with young people around the globe to advance children's rights and the pupils at Danestone have been finding out more about these Youth Activists.

Rights Warriors - Asean Johnson
Desmond Napoles
Greta Thumberg
Desmond Napoles

20.5.21 Tackling Poverty

As part of our assemblies, P5 and P5/6 have been learning about Poverty. They have been studying famous people who have been or who are working hard to tackle poverty.

Harris Yule - Tackling Poverty Posters.pdf

22.04.21 - Earth Day

P2/3 thought about what we can do as a class to help make the world a better, healthier place to live. We created these fantastic pieces of work to show what we have discussed in class.