Languages 1+2

February 2023

Take a look at the SCILT website and see if you can find the article about Danestone. Whilst you are there you can take a look at what other schools across Scotland have been up to to celebrate Languages Week.


Languages Week Scotland 2023

This week Primary 1 have been sharing the languages they speak at home and learning more about different cultures. P1 were thrilled to share and help others to say hello in their native language. In Primary 1 our pupils can speak Russian, Italian, Spanish, Afrikaans, French and Hindi. 

Our Book of the Week is 'Un Livre'. We have really enjoyed identifying the colours and counting to 5 in French.

Chinese New Year 2023

Chinese New Year Lion Dance

February 2023

A very special visitor came to Danestone to celebrate Chinese New Year. Everyone from Nursery to Primary 7 gathered outside to watch the incredible Lion Dance performed by the Confucius Institute of Aberdeen team. 

The dance is performed a special events and festivals and symbolises power, wisdom and superiority. The dance chases away evil spirits and brings good fortune.....especially to those who catch a piece of lettuce thrown by the lion!

Click the picture below to watch the full video!


CISS Chinese New Year Poster Competition

To celebrate Chinese New Year CISS (Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools) invited pupils across Scotland to take part in a calendar competition. Pupils from P5-7 created their own designs to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit and wrote good luck messages in Mandarin.

With over 600 entries across Scotland we were thrilled that one of the overall eight winners came from Danestone! A huge congratulations to our winner!!

For more information and to see the other winners, click on the link.


This week Primary 7 had the opportunity to take part in some Chinese New Year activities led by members of the Confucius Institute.  There were 4 activities to chooses from.  The pupils created a 'rich fish' by cutting and gluing a fish on to paper and then decorating it.  We also learned how to use chopsticks and count out different objects with them.  This turned into a really fun and exciting counting game using our Mandarin knowledge.  They also had the opportunity to write Chinese symbols and created a rabbit lantern out of paper.  

Confucius Institute Kite Competition 

June 2022

All pupils were invited to take part in a very special competition set by the Confucius Institute at the University of Aberdeen. The pupils were asked to create a kite design that represented Chinese culture and art. 

We had so many fantastic designs submitted and we were incredibly delighted that we had so many winners from Danestone. Overall we had two winners and four runners up to the competition. Our lucky winners had their design made into a real kite and also received a goody bag filled with art and craft materials. Our runners up also received a goody bag. 

During the summer holidays the Confucius Institute invited all our families to the University for a special Mandarin family fun event. At the event pupils had the opportunity to review all the entries to the kite competition. It was amazing to see all the wonderful designs, especially the winning entries from Danestone!

Well done everyone!

The Ballad of Mulan 

P7 Trip Tivoli Theatre March 2022

The Primary 7's received a special invitation to the theatre from the Confucius Institute at Aberdeen University. The Primary 7s were thrilled to attend a very special performance of The Ballad of Mulan.

We found The Ballad of Mulan very interesting and enjoyable. It was really impressive how the actress performed the whole piece by herself. She was very engaging and kept us listening the whole time she was on stage. We also really enjoyed learning about the Ballad of Mulan poem in class. We learnt that Mulan wanted to be in the army but she could only do that if she pretended to be a man. As it was World Woman's Day it was sad to see how she had to leave her family and friends and pretended to be someone else to do what makes her happy. 

Written by Toby

Languages Week 

February 2022

This week we were celebrating Languages Week Scotland and Chinese New Year. Over the week the pupils had opportunities to explore a variety of different languages by playing games, reading books and completing challenges. 

As an extra special treat, we welcomed some extra special visitors to the school. Take a look at our video of the Chinese Lion Dance. 

Want to learn more? Take a look at the Chinese New Year ThingLink for some more information, videos and activities. 

Languages Week Scotland Highlights

SCILT Newsletter Article Winter 2021

To showcase our achievement in earning our Bronze level Scottish Languages Employability Award, SCILT published an article about our project. 

Take a look at the SCILT newsletter and read the article written by Chloe, Ethan and Robert. 

SCILT Newsletter Winter 2021.pdf
SLEA certificate - Danestone Primary School - Bronze.pdf
Danestone Primary School award letter 010921.pdf


At Danestone we follow a 1 + 2 model set by the Scottish Government. This model states that every child will learn two languages in school in addition to their mother tongue. This approach outlines that pupils should have the opportunity to learn a language (known as L2) from P1 until the end of Broad General Education in S3. Additionally, each child is entitled to learn a second modern language in school (known as L3) from P5 onwards.

Below are some activities that your child can use at home to supplement their language learning in school.


Chinese Noodles Cook Along June 2021

This time for our Cook Along with Mrs Duncan we made Chinese Noodles. We used traditional egg noodles, spring onions, vegetables and soy sauce to make a delicious noodle dish. During the meet we practised our numbers, cooking and ingredients vocabulary. We were lucky enough to have Miss Chen join us all the way from China for the cook along. She was able to tell us facts about noodles in China and how important they are in Chinese culture.  

If you would like to make the Chinese noodle dish yourself, take a look at the slides or cook along with the recording of the meet.

Cook Along with Mrs Duncan: Chinese Noodles
Cook Along with Mrs Duncan: Vegetable Fried Rice

Vegetable Rice Cook Along

March 2021

Lots of our pupils joined the cook along to make vegetable rice. It was so lovely to see how enthusiastic our learners at Danestone are! Pupils enjoyed using their Mandarin vocabulary as we cooked along together. 

Take a look at our highlights to see all the delicious dishes that the pupils made! 

Bake with Mrs Duncan
Chinese Butter Biscuits 10.2.21 Picture Highlights.mp4

Chinese Butter Biscuits Bake Along

February 2021

For our first Bake Along session, pupils decided that they wanted to bake a traditional Chinese Butter Biscuit recipe. It was great to have everyone together during Home Learning to do something fun.

Danestone Events

Danestone Languages Challenge: Part 1
Danestone Languages Challenge: Part 2

Past Highlights

