Rights Group

P2/3 Update November 2021

We have been learning a lot about Sustainable Development Goals 13, 14 and 15 and thinking about how we can make the world a better place to live in now, and for the future. We have all made promises to help the environment and we would like adults to join with us and make their own promise to be more sustainable. We found an app which we think will help you on your journey. We hope you enjoy our video telling you all about it.

P2/3 Update September 2021

We visited classes to look at their Class Charters. We were looking for Rainbow Rights, the Rights and the school values.

We also made a Google form to share with everyone about Duty Bearers. A Duty Bearer is somebody that keeps you safe and helps you when you need it. We asked everyone to vote for their Duty Bearer of the week to say well done to the adults that help us in school.

We also held a book swap and made posters to advertise it around school.

By Johnny, Ellis and Alyxis

P2/3 Action Plan 2021-2022

P2/3M Action Plan

P1/2 Action Plan 2020-2021

Action PLan P1 2 Rights Group

P6/7 Action Plan 2020-2021

Action Plan P6/7

Wednesday 16th June 2021

Today our P1/2 pupils shared the work they have been doing this year at our 'Sharing the Learning' Assembly. It was wonderful to hear from our youngest pupils and hear what they have been learning this year and how they have been sharing their learning with the rest of the school. We were especially excited to hear how they chose our Rights mascot which you can see all around our school.

P67 Rights of the Child.mov

11th June 2021 P6/7 Rights of the Child

Today we shared our Rights of the Child learning in a whole school 'Sharing the Learning' event. It was a great opportunity to let everyone know what we have been learning this year and share some of our work. We hope you enjoy watching and listening to our presentation.

June 2021 P6/7 - Our climate change pamphlet is almost done, we're excited to finish and present it to the rest of the school! We're hoping to have these pamphlets featured around the community to help inform others of what we can do to prevent climate change and have our voices heard under the rights of the child.

May 2021 P6/7 - In ensuring that our voices are heard and exploring global issues that can affect children's rights, we decided to investigate and research climate change. So far we have taken notes on what it is, how we can stop it and have planned out a pamphlet in order to inform the public.

5th May 2021

We collated our ideas about how Duty Bearers ensure our rights are met and what Cinderella's life was like without a Duty Bearer to respect her rights.

April 2021

P1/2 listened to the story of Cinderella and then thought about the rights which were not being met in her life. They decided that Cinderella was denied quite a lot of rights -

Article 3 - her life was not in her best interest

Article 24 - health, water , food and environment

Article 27 - food, clothing and a safe home

Article 28 - access to education

Article 31 - rest, play , culture and arts

The children also identified the Fairy Godmother as her Duty Bearer.

April 2021

We read a story called 'A Tale of Two Beasts'. We looked at how the little girl looked after the beast and how she helped him have access to his rights. We learned that grown-ups help to protect our rights and that these people are called Duty Bearers. We drew pictures of the Duty Bearers in our lives.

November 2020

P1/2 have been thinking about how we can promote Children's Rights. We designed a mascot which can be displayed around the school. We recorded a video explaining our designs and launching a mascot competition for the whole school.

We collected all of the entries and began to create a short list of winning entries. We made videos as we judged the entries. We talked about what rights were shown and what we liked about the different mascots.

December 2020

Once we had our short list we began to vote . P1/2 all had 1 vote each.

We picked our winning entry. Now the next thing to decide was our mascot's name. We asked classes to submit their suggestions and carried out a vote to decide on our new mascot's name. This time everyone had a chance to vote via a Google Poll.

Mascot name results

February 2021

Our most popular choice of name is Rainbow Rights.

We will create mini mascots and display these around the school to remind us of our rights and how we can respect other people's rights.

November 2020 P6/7 started a project to show how sustainable development and global issues are linked to rights. We decided on creating a pamphlet about climate change to have on display for visitors, and to hand out to the local community. We're hoping that our voices will be heard and that we can make a difference!

November 2020 - To celebrate World Children’s Day the pupils at Danestone decided to organise a Twitter Takeover. The idea was that the pupils could decide what would be shared on Twitter. Each day each class had to opportunity to choose what they wanted to share with our wider community. It was a great week and this is definitely something we will organise again soon.

Look at all our amazing learning from this week - Twitter Take Over - 'Let the children be heard '

October 2020

P6/7 have been developing our understanding of how all children's rights are inherent, inalienable, indivisible, universal and unconditional. We first started by making sure we knew what these words mean, and our first plan of action is to help the rest of the school understand too!

We created a short film to explain what these words meant. We hope you find it useful.

Rights of the Child Vocabulary .mov

P6/7 have decided that to make sure others know that all rights in the school are inherent, inalienable, indivisible, universal and unconditional, we will work on creating a school assembly to help explain to younger boys and girls that they are entitled to every right in the UNCRC.