P1/2 Ms Smith

A Sense of Scotland January 2024

We have been learning about food in Scotland and we had a go at trying some. We tried vegetarian haggis, Irn Bru and shortbread. Ms Smith showed us how to make shortbread and we helped her follow the recipe.

We made some cute Scotty dogs and designed our own tartan collars. We used toothbrushes to make the dogs look fluffy. This is called stippling. 

We then thought about all things Scottish and wrote our own Scottish acrostic poems. This was a little tricky but we all tried our best!

Health & Wellbeing February 2024

We took part in the highland games as part of our Scottish context. We had great fun outdoors with our castle friends taking part in all the different stations. We had a lovely experience with some RGU students who came in to help us get ready for our castle challenge and helping us practice the stations.

They then did some gymnastic acticities with us- balancing, rolling, climbing, swinging and jumping. On our last session they took out the apparatus for us to use in our stations. We had such a great time and were very brave and made sure we were safe when using the equipment!

P1/2 Newsletter
P1/2 Class Teacher Newsletter
P1/2 Newsletter Dec 23

Literacy September 2023

We have been practising our sounds in our learning. We have been using th letter boards and working with our friends to spell words using our digraphs.

We have also been doing 'Headband Dictation' with our partners to help us read and write sentences properly. We then use tickled pink and green for growth to mark our work and see if we have succeeded in our learning. We think about capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops.

Outdoor Learning September 2023

We worked together to create pictures of ourselves. 

We used sticks, leaves, berries, mud and other resources which we explored for in the Willow Den. We enjoyed doing this because it was fun and we got work together. We got to choose what we used and be creative. 

P1_2 Class Teacher Newsletter.pdf