P1 Mrs Maciver / Mrs Sinclair

P1 Class Teacher Newsletter
P1 End of Term Newsletter
P1 Newsletter
P1 Newsletter

Term 1 in Primary 1

What a first term we have had! From learning about to put our things at the pegs, to classroom routines, lunch time etiquette, making new friends and to organising our belongings.....Primary 1 have certainly been very busy!

Primary 1 have been having a blast learning some new letter sounds, their numbers to 10, 2D shapes, ball skills and movement in P.E., getting crafty through our 'People Who Help Us' topic and of course, having fun with our new Primary 7 buddies. 

Our HWB focus for this term was building friendships and showing our school values of respect, kindness, positivity, courage and fairness. Primary 1 have been forging new friendships in the class and have been demonstrating how to help each other and include everyone during play. 

For Maths Week Scotland, Primary 1 and their P7 buddies have been working on a very special Autumn Art piece. Collaboratively they have explored different shapes, colours and textures in the environment. They considered using different textures and techniques to create their own abstract art paintings. 

To build their relationship with their buddy, Primary 1 also enjoyed playing on the trim trail and playing some team games.  

P1 Class Teacher Newsletter - P1.pdf