Primary 7

P7 May Newsletter
_P7 Class Newsletter April 2021.pdf
P7 February Newsletter
P7 February Newsletter


P7 have been learning about healthy eating choices and what information we are given to make them. We had great fun examining things from Miss Docherty's cupboard and using the nutrition information to debate which of our items was healthier!


As part of our assembly this week, we were discussing the effects of bullying and who we can go to when we feel that we're being bullied or we have seen it happen. As a class we took the anti-bullying pledge and signed our class contract against bullying. Lots of great discussion on why bullying happens and how we can stop it.


"I think everyone is just trying to get home."

As part of our immersive topic on The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charles Mackesy, we discussed what 'home' meant to us - whether it be a person, a place, or a hobby. Once we had done that we had a go at recreating the illustration using ink and quills!


In P7 we were learning about the effects of bullying. We anonymously shared things that have been said to us and wrote them around people - and then crumpled them up! This taught us that the things we say have a lasting effect on others.