Primary 1
Mrs Henderson
Aberdeen Science Centre - June 2023
We had a super time today on our class trip to the Science Centre! We had an early lunch before hopping on the bus. The bus itself was very exciting! When we arrived we were taken arund the different areas of the Science Centre and were given the opportunity to explore the various exhibits. Then we took part in a workshop all about the water cylcle. This was very interesting and tied in with our current context, Our Natural World. Thank you to the Science Centre for helping us learn and to all of our lovely parent helpers for accompanying us on our trip.
May 2023 - WOW Month
This month has been World of Work Month at Danestone Primary. We have been very lucky to have lots of lovely visitors to our school. They have spoken to us about their jobs and have given us lots of ideas for our futures. One of our highlights was our visit from the fire service. One of our P1 classmates described the experience as "better than my birthday!". I think we can all agree that this was a very special day :)
Data Handling - April 2023
We have been learning about data handling. We have been learning different ways to collect information, how to sort it and how to show what we have found. One way to collect and show information is by doing a survey using tally marks. We practised our tally mark skills by doing surveys in pairs in class. We asked our friends questions about their favourite colour, their favourite fruit and their favorite sea life creature. We also took part in a traffic survey durin goutdoor learning. We counted the differet kinds of vehicles as they drove past the fence in the school field. Next week, we are going to doa nature survey to find out which kinds of plants and animals live in the Willow Den!
About Time - 17th March 2023
We have been learning about time. We have practised the days of the week, the months of the year and now we are learning how to tell o'clock times on a digital and analogue clock. It's quite tricky but with lots of practise we are learning where the different hands point and what the numbers represent. We took our learning ourtdoors and made clock faces with hoops and drew the numbers on with chalk. We then used sticks for the hands of our clocks to show o'clock times. We worked on this task in pairs and demonstrated excellent teamwork skills. Well done everyone!
World Book Day 2023 - Thursday 2nd March
We had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day 2023. We all came to school in our pajamas and comfies and brought our teddies too. We shared lots stories together in class and drew pictures to show our favourite book characters. In the afternoon, we went to the reading den in the hall with our P7 buddies. They read stories to us, it was lots of fun. We also got to look at all of the peg dolls which children from across the school had created. We were very impressed with the different designs and how imaginative and creative the different classes had been. We love World Book Day!
Our Planet and Beyond!
February 2023
We have had a brilliant time in Primary 1 during our recent context, Our Planet and Beyond.
We created 3 big questions to help us with our learning;
How does the sun make day and night?
What happens in day and night skies?
What is science?
We then worked on different lessons and experiments to help us to answer these questions. We created mobiles to show the rotation of the earth in relation to the sun and we made meteorites! We made night and day venn diagrams to show what happens at these different times, and, we worked in groups to explore how science is all around us and how it impacts our daily lives. Well done Primary 1!
Bright Winter Days
January 2023
The weather has been really lovely this week so we made the most of it and took lots of our learnign outdoors. We went to the Willow Den for outdoor play and we also did a shape hunt. Miss Taylor took us outdoors for circle time and we also had outdoor P.E and drama. The fresh air and sunny sky made us all feel great! We all worked hard and had a fantastic time.
Cherry Blossom
January 2023
We have been learning a little bit about Japan since coming back to school in January. One of our friends in Primary 1 is going to be moving there soon. We looked at Japanese cherry blossom and decided that it is so beautiful that we would use it as inspiration for our calendars. We painted beautiful cherry blossom tress using cotton buds and decorated them with gems.

Party Time!
December 21st 2022
We had a wonderful fun filled afternoon during our Christmas party. In the hall, we played lots of games like pass the parcel, musical bumps, musical statues and we did lots of dancing. We then headed back to our classroom to listen to festive tunes while we had our party snacks.
Super Sorting
December 2022
We have been learning how to sort objects based on their characteristics. In small groups we worked as a team to sort the tuff tray which was full of different bits and pieces. First, we have to work out who was sorting which area and then we got to work organising the different objects based on colour, texture and shape.
November 2022 - Autumn Walk
Primary 1 had a fantastic time exploring the great outdoors during our autumn walk. We looked at what has happened to the plants and trees and discussed what changes take place outside at this time of year. We also collected fallen leaves to use in our autumn art work.
October 2022 - Outdoor Learning Day
Primary 1 had an outdoor learning this month. We participated in different numeracy and literacy lessons in the playground and at the Willow Den.
In numeracy, we practised ordering numbers from 1-10 from smallest to largest and largest to smallest in groups. We then independently chose a number from 1-10 to practise writing and represent using natural objects.
In literacy we have been learning the story, We're Going on A Bear Hunt and we have used this to support us with our writing. In pairs or small groups, we gathered different natural materials and created story scenes to show our favourite part of the story. Then we had a walkabout to share our work with the rest of the class. Our final task was to go on a sound hunt to identify different things in the environment which use out satpin sounds.
We had a super day and are very much looking forward to participating in more outdoor learning next term!
October 2022 - People Who Help Us
Part of our context this term has been learning about people who help us. We have taken part in lots of different activities to help us learn more about the people in our lives who help us. We had a circle time discussion to create a jamboard to show our initial ideas and knowledge. We have had lots of different play opportunities in the classroom to support our learning about people who help us along with sharing different stories and activities too. We made hand printed emergency services vehicles, mixed media police badges and participated in lots of different role play scenarios.
September 2022 - The Rights of the Child
In Primary 1 we have begun learning about our rights. As a Gold Rights Respecting School, we do a lot of work to ensure our rights are being met and that the children at Danestone feel that their rights are being respected. We have been learning about our right to play, our right to an education and our right to be safe. We made hand prints to show that we are all entitled to have all of our rights respected and that we will respect the rights of others.
August 2022 - Class Charter
We have had a fantastic start to Primary 1 and the children are all enjoying getting to know each other, are making new friends and are settling into their new routines. I am very proud of all the boys and girls for being so brave.
One of the first tasks that we completed as a class was the creation of our Class Charter. This is a set or promises the children make about the way we behave and work together as a team at school. We read "We are together by Britta Teckentrup to help us to feel united as a class. We then discussed all of the important things we need to do every day when we are at school. We each created a little picture of ourselves to show that we are all part of our charter and will do our best to follow it.
Primary 1 Class Charter
We always help to tidy up.
We use our listening ears.
We always follow the rules.
We have kind hands and feet.
We always help each other.
We always try our best. We never give up!