P4 Mrs Duthie
Fishkeeper Fry 2024
Primary 4's Fishkeeper Fry journey was a great success. The children worked so hard to look after the fish and were very enthusiastic to learn about all the different animals that joined our tank. During our 8 week programme primary 4 kept a log of what we got up to each week.
Fishkeeper Fry Week 3
Creative Learning Term 3 Week 2
Creative Learning Term 3 - Week 1
P4 have started their second block of creative learning. This terms theme is 'survival' and using Michael Morpurgo's novel 'Kensuke's Kingdom' as a stimulus. This week focussed on chapter 1 and getting to know Michael and what he looked like. The children then used natural materials to create their own self-portraits.
Creative Learning - Term 2
Primary 4 have loved taking part in our weekly creative learning sessions. Throughout the term P4 added to the PowerPoint below and added their own quotes to explain what they were doing. After each session the pupils added to their journal and created instructions which they used to make a whole school advent calendar so that the other children at Danestone could learn to make the items and play the games that P4 had learned.

Our Learning This Week - 12.01.24
Amira - We were learning about New Year in different countries.
Ruby - We made colourful fireworks.
Irina - We drew buildings and cut them out and added them to the firework background.
Amelia - We have learned to change the background on slides and add animations.
Bence - We have also been adding videos and transitions.
Ruby - We used our skills to make slides about the food groups.
Jayden - We learned how to change the layout of a slide.
Adam - We used 2D shapes to make characters.
Lexi We gave them names and added arms and legs.
Nathan - We used alliteration to name them.
Our Learning This Week! 3.11.23
Remembrance Day
Grace "We were making poppies for the Care Home"
Aliana "We used paper plates and ripped up tissue paper"
Adam "We use poppies because in the first world war a battle took place in a poppy field"
Ava "We wear poppies to remember those who died"
Amelia R "The money from poppies goes to soldiers who were injured"
Feedback from our families
Great learning P4. Thanks for sharing.
Eco Committee
Bella "We made litter posters"
Bence "We are trying to stop people littereing in our playground"
Health and Wellbeing
Amira "We have looked at the Eatwell plate"
Ellis B "Some sections are bigger or smaller to show us how much to eat"
Anmay "Mrs Duthie got some Tesco Magazines and we cut out different food and stuck them into their food group."
Kira "It shows us how to eat healthy"
Our Learning This Week! 13.10.23
This week the children have been thinking about wants versus needs. The learning involved ..
Understanding what is meant by ‘needs’ and ‘wants’
Being able to identify and discuss the difference between your needs and wants
Using your imagination and creativity to show your understanding of needs and wants
The children were challenged to use loose parts to create something to represent a need and also something to show what they would like or want.
"Our shelter keeps us cosy .. it protects us"
"Our shelter has somewhere for us to eat"
"We have the right to play ..we made an obstacle course"
"We made a rocket!"
Each group then shared their creations with everyone. They loved playing and exploring the different shelters and 'wants' activities, such as, games and obstacle courses.
Amira said "This was really good learning because we had to work together. We made sure our shelter had everything we need."
Our Learning This Week! 06.10.23
Roald Dahl Dictionaries
Zoe - "We were trying to find out what the Roald Dahl words meant"
Ellis - "We were able to add facts, questions and pictures"
Aliana - "Finding out the meanings of the words"
My Buddy and Me
Murray - "We had to draw a picture of us and our buddy"
Bella - "After we drew our picture it was displayed in the hall for parents evening"
Our Vision for 2030
Irina - "We have been learning about the Global Goals and how they have to be achieved by 2030"
Grace - "We made sticky note about what problems there are in our world"
Adam - " We thought about pollution, animals going extinct and recycling"
Bence - "We had to think about what we want the world to be like. The problems we have they don't exist anymore and were drew ourselves with a colourful background."
Feedback from our families
"Great to see your learning. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work"
"It is great to see visually what the children are learning during the term with their applicable quotes"
Our Learning This Week! 29.09.23
Irina "We made a swing using a skipping rope with our buddies!"
Grace "We were teaching our buddies some new games to play"
Adam " We were playing on the trim trail with our buddies"
Maths Week Scotland
Ellis "We looked at different symbols that represented different numbers and used place value"
Amira "We made paper Egyptian boats and we had to see how many blocks it would hold"
Lexi "We learnt that to carry their stones for the pyramids they took the boats and floated them down the River Nile"
Martin " We were learning about Pablo Picasso and drew our own characters out of numbers!"
Our Learning This Week! 21/09/23
Outdoor Maths
Amelia "We had to represent the number that our partner gave us using place value columns and cubes"
Tziona "We used more than and less than symbols with our partners number"
Akua "In our group we had to order ourselves from smallest to largest number."
Class Novel
Amira "We drew pictures of the mean giants then described what they looked like"
Anmay " We were were practising our visualisation reading strategy"
Adam "We were learning about similes. A simile needs to use the words 'as' or 'like'"
Bence "When you compare something like as fast as lightening to explain how fast something is"
Jayden "We drew the similes we thought of"
Our Learning This Week! 15/09/23
Ellis "We traced our hands and drew squares and coloured the inside with cold colours and the outside with hot colours"
Lexi "It was really fun doing it! We used oil pastels and it was really awesome!"
Amelia "We were learning more about hot and cold colours"
Irina "We were making our own characters from 'Inside Out' and describing them"
Grace " We made up an emotion name and drew a character to go with it"
Martin "We have been learning about characterisation, made our own character and made up descriptions"
Bella " We had to describe what they look like, how they act and their personality"
Jayden "We have been learning about the Global Goals, there are 17!"
Aliana "They help us protect the world"
Adam "It makes the world a better place"
Tziona "We can relate the goals to our rights"
Our Learning This Week! 08/09/23
Aliana - "We have been learning about place value"
Anmay - " We have been doing partitioning up to the millions"
Bella - " We have been doing doubles and near doubles with Mrs Sinclair"
Sonny "We started with primary colours and mixed them to make the colour wheel"
Zoe "We learned that there are primary colours, secondary colours and tertiary colours"
Lexi " We learned that there are hot and cold colours"
Irina " We have been doing character descriptions"
Nathan " We have looked at the character Anger"
Ava "We had to come up with words to describe Anger"