World Book Day 2021

Changing lives through a love of books and shared reading!

The Masked Reader - watch our teaching staff read their favourite book from behind the mask?

Can you guess who they are? The second video will reveal all!!!


Primary 4 World Book Day 'Sharing Stories'

As this year's World Book Day theme was 'sharing stories' Primary 4 were asked to share their favourite story or book with a sibling or parent. The children shared what they had read on our special World Book Day Jam Board so that everyone could see what the class had been reading. Thank you to everyone who shared a picture of their book or story. It was wonderful to look at all of the pictures and I hope you all had a wonderful World Book Day!

Our World Book Day school challenge was to create a book character from a potato!!

We hope you enjoy all the wonderful creations.

World Book Day Potato Characters

P2/3 had an amazing week long adventure through the wonderful book Supertato!

Enjoy their video which showcases their learning.

World Book Day 2021 -