Primary 5/6 

Miss Cook

p5/6 newsletter

Health and Wellbeing 02/02/23

Our Health and Wellbeing indicator for January was 'nurtured'. For this the pupils have be learning about different nutritional needs. P5/6 have learned that someone's diet can differ depending on allergies/intolerances, religion and age. 

P5/6 Newsletter

Our Planet and Beyond 27/01/23

As part of our space topic, one of P5/6's big questions was 'How big is our solar system?' The pupils went outside and used a trundle wheel to measure how far the planets are from the sun using a scale. 

Basketball 24/01/23

During our P.E. sessions P5/6 have been learning how to play basketball. They have been learning different stances, ways to pass and catch whilst also working on their communication and team skills. 

P5_6 Newsletter.pdf
p5/6 newsletter

Christmas Party 2022 - 16/12/22

We had so much fun at our Christmas party. We joined P6 and 7 in the hall and played pass the parcel, corners and musical statues. We also done a Christmas quiz and enjoyed party food bought by the parent council, thank you!

Buddies 16/12/22

P5/6 have been helping their buddies do a research task on a winter animal. They helped them log into laptops, find appropriate websites and an interesting fact. P5/6 were so helpful and patient, well done boys and girls!

Stop Motion 08/12/22

As part of our topic 'Enterprising and Engaging', P5/6 have been learning about stop motion. They learned about the different elements that go into creating a stop motion film. Pupils took inspiration from our school show this year and recreated a scene from 'A Christmas Carol'. 

School Grounds Tidy Up - 16/11/22

P5/6 have been helping improve the front of our school. We were kindly donated some bark to put around the bushes/shrubs. We also did a small litter pick and cleared away some weeds. 

Anti-Bullying Week - 14/11/22

P5/6 have been celebrating Anti-Bullying Week. Pupils discussed the different types of bullying and looked at some scenarios. In pairs, pupils discussed what their advice would be and what they would do in that situation. 

We also analysed the lyrics to the song '#WHERESTHELOVE'. We identified some tricky words and learned the meanings and highlighted lyrics that stood out to us. We then used those highlighted lyrics to create visualisers that incorporated both images and quotes from the song. 

Remembrance Day - 11/11/22

For Remembrance Day P5/6 created blackout poetry using John McCrae's poem 'In Flanders Fields'. They picked out words or phrases in the poem and circled them to create a new poem. They then drew a background using images inspired by the poem. 

We also created poppy art using the style of Pointillism. Pupils first drew the poppies and then used cotton buds and paint to create the dots of colour. 

Music - 9/11/22

'We used Soundtrap to make and explore more sounds. It's an online app that helps you make music' - R and R

Bonfire Night - 5/11/22

P5/6 have been learning about why we celebrate Bonfire Night. They learned about the Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. They then created a fireworks display over the Aberdeen skyline using different paint techniques. 

Aberdeen Science Centre Trip - 3/11/22

As part of our 'Learning Lab' topic where we investigated different types of renewable energy, we took a trip to the science centre. Pupils played an interactive game in the Learning Lab where they had to make decisions on what types of energy to add to Aberdeen to keep up with demand whilst also keeping C02 emissions low. Pupils also got to explore all the other areas of the science centre which they found lots of fun!

Maths 1/11/22

Primary 5/6 have been learning about calculating the perimeter of different shapes this week. We took our learning outside and drew some shapes on the ground in chalk, we then measured the sides of the shape using a ruler or measuring tape and added them together to get the perimeter. 

P5/6 Newsletter

Maths Stations 

Primary 5/6 joined Primary 5 for an afternoon of place value maths stations. Pupils were practicing their addition, writing numbers, rounding and lots more!

Primary 5_6 Newsletter.pdf