Primary 2/3


26.05.21 Rhythm Workshop

Aberdeen City Music Services was in our class giving us a drumming lesson this week. We had so much fun and had to concentrate so hard to keep the beat of the music going! Thank you Mrs Rose, Mr Nicol and Mr Walker for coming in to see us.

18.05.21 Science experiments in P2/3

We have been learning about soluble and insoluble solutions and what a suspension solution mean. The pupils are having such a great time experimenting, predicting and finding out the result by themselves.

30.04.21 - World of Work Week - Outdoor Learning

We had a look at different professions in our community this week. We also had a think of what you might need to be able to do that job. One of the most important things that we have learned, is that to be able to work successfully, you need to be able to work as a team. So, we took on the challenge to build a den outside by using our teamwork skills.

P2_3 newsletter.pdf


Have a look at how we celebrated World Book Day in P2/3!

World Book Day 2021 -
P2/3 Newsletter

Mr Jelly - Emotion Works

27.11.20 P2/3

We watched the story of Mr Jelly that was scared of everything. Mr Jelly was so scared that he couldn't calm himself down! Sometimes we feel like that as well. Mr Jelly learned that after he counted to 10 and took a deep breath, he feels better and can face anything. We made these amazing feeling thermometers to show where Mr Jelly was before he learned how to cope with his feelings and where he was afterwards.

5.11.20 - P2/3 looked at the blue cog and talked about what makes us calm when we are feeling angry or sad. They worked in groups to complete these beautiful blue flowers to show who or what they will do.

P2/3 30.10.20

This week we read 'The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse' story in class. This is a book filled with little pieces of advice to take along with you, but the main message is about friendship and that we need to be kind. The children responded so well to the book and we had great conversations about it in class.


P2/3 completed some short burst activities in PE today, to see how we feel after certain exercises.

We did 30 seconds of star jumps, jogging on the spot, squats, side jumps and a sprint at the end. We then sat down for 1 minute and discussed what parts of our bodies we noticed changed or felt different after every activity.

This followed on from our Emotion Works lesson where we learned about how our bodies react when we feel different emotions.

Safety in medicine


P2/3 continued to look at how we need to be safe around medicines following on from our activity from last week. This week we discussed when we need to take medicine, who can give us medicine, where it should be kept and what we should do if we find it.


P2/3 listened to a story of Officer Buckie and his dog called Gloria. They go to schools and give out safety tips.

We discussed what other safety tips we can think of and made these fantastic posters to display in our class.


Primary 2/3 created these beautiful drawings of them wearing their masks. We had a talk about how it might feel that people are 'hiding' behind their masks and how it made them feel. We then talked about how we don't change when we have a mask on, we are still unique and special in our very own way.

Emotion check in

P2/3 9.09.20 Every morning, the children can come and add their name to our emoji board to show us how they feel. They can move their name at any point during the day, because as we all know, our emotions can change