Well-being Hub
The Wellbeing Hub at Danestone Primary
Here at Danestone Primary, we have created a wonderful space for pupils to come to in small groups to support their health and wellbeing. The health and wellbeing of our pupils is of paramount importance to us at Danestone and our Wellbeing Hub is a safe space for pupils to relax in and spend time together while exploring their emotions and developing their social skills.
The Wellbeing Hub is used to support children in nurture groups where we play games together, share a snack and have lots of opportunity to talk. Social groups also come to the Wellbeing Hub and these groups do lots of different activities to support their self-esteem, social skills, emotional resilience and to help the children with building friendships.
Would you like to take a look inside?
Inside, we have a table where the children can sit to complete paper based activities, play games and have a snack. We also have a cosy and comfy area with soft chairs. This area is used for stories and relaxing. The emotions rug is a great place for the children to think about how they are feeling and we have emotions cushions here too which are very popular! We use this floor space to play games and have circle times.
When the children visit the Wellbeing Hub they are encouraged to share how they are feeling by doing a check in. This involves them choosing an emotion which they feel represents their current mood. They are then given an opportunity to share what has made them feel this way and if there is anything that we can do together to support them. We also have a daily affirmations tree. At the end of their time spent in the hub, the children are encouraged to choose a positive message which they hang on the tree to inspire them for the rest of the day/ week.
The Wellbeing Hub is an inclusive environment and all of the teachers and PSAs are encouraged to make use of the space with their classes and groups.