It has been lovely hearing how much the childern enjoyed taking part in the Rainbow Buddy challenge. Have a look at the Slideshow below to see some examples of their fantastic creations.
Pupil Feedback June 23
We watched a lovely story called 'How Do You Make a Rainbow?' and we decided that we wanted others to read it too. We have shared the story and set the other classes a challenge to complete with their buddy class.
Representatives from our group went out of school with Miss Miller to share our posters within the local community.
This week, with a little bit of help from P7, we completed our Sustainable Goal 11 posters. We are going to be putting these up around our local community in term 4, so look out for them while you are out walking.
The P3 children worked with Miss Miller to write our newsletter. The children had so many great ideas about things they wanted to share with our parents and discussed the words and pictures they wanted to include.
Today we started our session with a refresher about the different rights children have. We played a game of charades and we to guess which article was being acted out.
We then went on to explore Sustainable Development Goal 11, and thought about how we can make Danestone a wonderful and sustainable place to live. We decided that we want to encourage people to walk and not use their cars, to reuse things, to recycle things, to grow flowers and make green places. We are going to put up our finished posters in the local area.
We have completed our charter for the play classroom. All of the children in the classes using the area have promised to respect each other's right to be safe, to play, to have friends and to be heard. Our teachers are using this charter to remind us of our rights and how we should behave in order to respect other people's rights.
This week we focused on creating our charter for the play classroom. We talked about what we enjoy about the play classroom and what rights are important while we are playing in it.
We decided that the Right to Play (31), Be Safe (19), Have friends (15) and Be Heard (12) were the most important.
We thought about how adults and children can respect these rights and we will turn our ideas into a wonderful display in the play classroom. We are also going to ask all the classes to look at the charter and to promise to respect these rights too.
We decided that we needed a group logo so set out creating our designs. We had a vote and decided this one was our favourite as it has one of our school values on it too.
During our first meeting, we talked about what we want to achieve this year and noted our ideas down on an action plan.