Primary 6/7

P6/7 May Newsletter.pptx

29th April

Artist in Residence at Aberdeen Art Gallery meets with P6/7

On Thursday 29th April, P6/7 were lucky to have a live Google Meet with Maja Zećo. Maja talked to us about being an artist and what she does. It was very interesting finding out about her job and how she helps share her work with the people of Aberdeen. She inspired us to create our own art.

Maja dressed up in gold and walked around the streets of Aberdeen. She was inspired by the work of Fergusson and she based her costume on his mask. We decided to create some art based on Fergusson and Zeco's work. We started by studying their art and then starting sketching and creating our own picture of masks.

Next we had to make our drawings 3D. We used paper towels and masking tape to create the features and then used a PVA /water mix to add colour with tissue paper.

Now we had to add some texture to our masks to make them stand out. We used very thin paint brushes and metallic paints to create interesting patterns and shapes.

What the pupils thought about their art lesson and their finished art

What did you think about the Google Meet with Maja? What did you learn?

The meet with Maja inspired me to practice art at home more.

I liked our work because we got to learn about a new style of art and I learned how Maja made her helmet

I learnt that your art doesn't always have to be perfect.

I learned that art isn't always drawing and painting

How to make a mask

it was really fun and i learned that you can do any sorts of art who want to do

I thought it was really interesting, I also learned that art doesn't just have to be on paper.

I found it interesting. I learnt that there is different styles of art.

I learnt that almost anything can be art

that art can be a lot of different things

It was fun

I learnt that art is brilliant

How did the Google meet help you when you had to create your own art?

It help me make art with paper mache. I have never used paper mache.

It inspired me to really make the colours pop

It helped me to reach out my comfort zone.

It helped me knowing what to make before i did it

She inspired me

It helped because I got to see some inspiration.

It helped me to be more creative and use my mind.

It said i had to be very patient

to do different designs

it inspired me

Help to be inspired

What do you think of your finished piece of art?

I think it’s epic

I thought my art was something i would never have done before

I think mines is really detailed and I like the silver eyes


I say it was good because I made like a alien

I think my one turned out pretty good.

I found my finished piece of art very unusual but in a good way

I thought it looked good.

emmm ok, it was very different but I am proud of it

it's good

I think it is excellent, fantastico

I think it wasn't the best but it was ok.

Once the pupils had finished their art work, they were inspired to create their own music to add to a video of their work. Mr Farquhar helped them write a simple tune to be played on the piano and percussion. They were very pleased with the finished result, we hope you enjoy listening to it in the film below.

Feedback from Maja Zeco.

Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful works with us, they are amazing! I love the masks, the photos and the music! I am using the sound of tuning forks in my film, but I will definitely consider a xylophone as well! The children's comments really touched my heart and they inspire me to continue doing what I do. I haven't had a chance to work with children before and this has also changed the way I see my work, so I am very grateful to you and the children for that.


Primary 6_7 - April.pdf
P6_7 February.pptx

7/12/20 - Social Media Influences

P6/7 have been exploring the emotion works' purple cog about influences to our emotions! The influence we've currently been focusing on is about social media. Questions we've investigated are how does it benefit our daily lives? What precautions should we carry when using it? How can it influence our emotions positively and negatively?


P6/7 have been exploring how to talk about and celebrate positive qualities, both of ourselves and others. It's hard to talk about ourselves in a positive light sometimes, and reading compliments from everyone else anonymously has certainly helped highlight qualities for each of us to be proud of!

7.10.20 Primary 6/7 Play Ground Games

Primary 6/7 researched play ground games that were appropriate, safe and didn't require equipment. They were able to find some great games and had the opportunity to trial them outside.

We also discussed what made a good team mate. They identified that they needed to be kind, fair, positive and respectful.

P6/7 - 8/9/20

As part of our assembly challenge, we have discussed and planned a dramatization of what the perfect school looks like. We have had a blast acting out how a school can help us develop everyone's talents and skills!