Primary 5/6 Mr Farquhar

2/6/22 - The Queen's Jubilee

On Thursday, P5/6 took part along with all the other class in a celebration of the Queen's platinum jubilee by having a picnic in the gorgeous weather. Afterwards, we all participated in a bunch of royal-themed activities like pin the tail on the corgi and carrying platters with teapots.

P5/6 Newsletter

13/5/22 - Sports Day!

Our class and all the others in school really enjoyed taking part in lots of different sports like races, long jump and even throwing javelins! We'd like to give a big thank you to the parents who came in and provided lots of cheer and support during the busy event.

April P5_6 Newsletter.pdf

11/3/22 - Using Scale to Show the Planets!

We scaled down the solar system so we could show the distance between the planets with the correct proportions. Instead of just drawing them, we also used ourselves to represent the planets! Starting from the sun in yellow, we then measured the distance to find out where the other planets should stand. We put bamboo sticks to represent each point to stand beside.

P5/6 Newsletter
January P5_6 Newsletter

Our Stag Challenge! - 28/1/22

Our school set a challenge to all its classes with a simple instruction; create a free-standing stag using only newspapers and masking tape. The tallest one wins! Our class had a lot of fun testing different shapes and materials, and we also learned a lot about which structures are strongest for certain design ideas!


Outdoor French with our Buddies! 10/12/21

You might have heard how we have been doing all sorts of things with our buddies in P2/3 this year! Today, we made finger puppets and practiced French sentences together. We said "bonjour", talked about how our day went and our favourite colours! Tres bien!

P5/6 Newsletter

STEM learning - 17.11.21

We have been learning about designs, coding and research. We researched scientists and created infographics about them. For the egg drop we had to make a blueprint and then make a design to try and keep the egg intact. We also learned how to write lines of code! We all enjoyed the lesson and we learned a lot from it! Written by Jenell, Olivia, Scarlet and Dhriti.

Sharing the Learning Assembly - Nov 21

#COP26 Outdoor Learning - 29.10.21

With this week's COP26 underway, we investigated how climate change is causing natural disasters. P5/6 was challenged to create a sturdy shelter for those in need using limited resources outside. We tested our shelters by wriggling them, and judged together which was most effective!

Class Teacher Newsletter P5.6.pdf

Measuring 23.9.21

This week we have investigated measuring, answering questions like "what would be the best unit of length to use when measuring this?" and "What tools should we use to measure this?". We've explored volume, length and weight to solve problems and investigate how precise measurements are used in a range of careers!

P5/6 Newsletter Sept 21

Reflective Reading and Art 16.9.21

In Reflective Reading we were learning about what some of the words mean in Willow Smith's song 'I Am Me'. We watched the music clip and we drew pictures of ourselves with words to describe our personalities. The main message of the song was to be yourself and not worry about what others think.

In Art, we have been learning about the colour wheel. We used primary, secondary and tertiary colours to draw an eye. Look how amazing they have turned out!

Post by Scarlet and Aalayah, P5/6

Outdoor Learning - 3/9/21

This week our class has made lots of investigations and have taken part in many lessons involving outdoor learning! Whether it's sunny or rainy, we feel that it's important to take to the outdoors and get a different view on the learning areas we are exploring.

These pictures are from our "Dear World Leaders" project, where we wanted to create a gallery showing how the outdoors are great for our learning and how important it is to address climate change to protect the environment. Every child has the right to education and to have their voices heard!

Dear world leaders.docx
P5_6 Class Teacher Newsletter_.pdf