Skills School

Skills School is a weekly session where pupils from across the school get together to learn new skills with staff. Pupils sign up for three weeks and get the opportunity to learn a new skill or develop existing skills. Pupils have the opportunity to suggest new and different topics to be covered and we are constantly changing the workshops offered. 

This year we are offering



First Aid




Musical Theatre







In our skills school sessions, we have practicing and learning new hockey skills. We have learnt to run with the ball and dribble with the ball. We have played lots of games to help us learn and develop these skills. 


In our skill school sessions, we have been exploring the different musical instruments that are in the school, practicing our skill with rhythm and creating our own music to perform to the rest of the group! The pupils have enjoyed making lots of noise and playing xylophones, glockenspiels, violins, guitars, drums and even the guqin!

Cooking Club

Every week we introduce new kitchen skills and food to the pupils at our club.  We have had so many smiling faces when they try something new and love the taste of it!  At cooking club we learn how to chop, spread, mix, grate and create delicious food. The pupils also know that we need clean hands, aprons and tied up hair when we work with food.  A very important skill they learn is to tidy up and wash and dry their own dishes when they are done.  So far we have made no bake pizzas, p&j sandwiches with a grape and banana kebab and special cupcakes to celebrate the coronation of King Charles. We look forward making and creating delicious recipes with you all!

First Aid

During our skills school sessions we have been learning how to help someone who is bleeding, or has broken their arm, using bandages and slings. We have also practised putting someone into the recovery position and what to do if someone is having an asthma attack. The children really enjoyed demonstrating their skills on cuddly and human volunteers. Everyone agreed that it is important to help people, but that the most important think is to make sure you are safe doing so. 


During our skills school session we have been learning different paper folds. We know it's important for us to fold accurately along lines for our origami to work. It's a tricky skill for little hands but our older children have been a great help. We have made fortune tellers and played them with our friends, some of us decided to turn these into cool characters instead of the traditional fortune tellers. We also made corner book marks and turned these into our favourite book characters or animals and had a go and making some different origami animals too.

Musical Theatre: Behind the Scenes

We have been looking at what goes on behind the scenes when we want to put on a show. We have learned about set design, lighting design, costume design and choreography. We applied some of these skills to create costumes, sets and lighting for When I Grow Up from Matilda.