Primary 1
Mrs Smith
May 2023- World of Work Month
So far for WOW month we have had some very interesting visitors!
We had a Project Manager from the NHS who told us all about what goes on behind the seens at the hospital. It was interesting to hear about the other jobs people do to support the doctors and nurses who work there too!
We had a visit from the Fire Fighters and they brought their Fire Engine! We learned all about the equipment they use, timed one of the fire fighters putting on their suits and we got a turn to spray the hose and sit inside the truck! It was so cool!
We had a visit from a nurse who showed us her equipment and what it is used for and told us 5 things to do to keep ourselves healthy.
Then we had a visit from a Veterinary Nurse who brought 2 special visitors with her... Ziggy and Minnie the Guinea Pigs! She told us all about her job and knew lots of interesting things about the animals she looks after. We got to stroke Minne and listen to Ziggy's heart beat and see his teeth!
March 2023
We have been learning about subtraction in numeracy. We have been playing different games to practice taking away. We can use different strategies to help us learn and to check if we are correct. We have been helping each other and working well in pairs and groups.

Languages Week Scotland 2023
This week Primary 1 have been sharing the languages they speak at home and learning more about different cultures. P1 were thrilled to share and help others to say hello in their native language. In Primary 1 our pupils can speak Russian, Italian, Spanish, Afrikaans, French and Hindi.
Our Book of the Week is 'Un Livre'. We have really enjoyed identifying the colours and counting to 5 in French.

October 2022
We took our learning outside for a day!
In our writing lessons we have been using Talk for Writing to retell a story. We used 'We're going on a Bear Hunt!' We learned actions to tell the story to a friend and then created story maps to show where the family went to find the bear. During our outdoor learning session we used natural materials to make our favourite part of the story.
"Our bear is inside the cave and there's grass on the floor outside."
"We made the forest that we go through and 'stumble, trip, stumble, trip!'"
Then we went on a sound hunt around the Willow Den to see if we could find anything starting with the sounds we have been learning this term.
Outdoor Learning
We also practised our numbers to 10 in the playground. We chose a number bee, practised writing the number then gathered leaves, stones, cones or stick to show the number we had. We the ordered our number bees from the smallest number to the biggest number but they weren't numbers which were usually together in a number sequence so some of us found this a little tricky. But... we will keep practising!
Then we had some fun with the straight parachute and counted how long it took us to get the ball from one end to the other... without it falling off! We worked great as a team after a few turns.
September 2022
Our Context this term has been focusing on 'People Who Help Us. At the beginning of our learning the children could identify lots of people and services which help us. However, they now know a little bit more about what they do.
Take a look at our Jamboard to see their ideas!
August 2022
Welcome to Primary 1S! At the start of term we had lots to think about and remember. New routines are difficult but we all managed really well with some reminders and support.
Together as a class we read 'Our Class is a family' by Shannon Olsen to create our class charter. We spoke about the meaning of family and that even though we aren't related, we are together for most of our days and we work together as a team and cheer on each other. We created our 'rules' and do our best to follow them. We also thought about the rights we have and how these fit in to our charter. We decided to use bees to represent ourselves because bees work together in their hives and help each other.