
Numeracy Resource Kit Parent Check In Session

March 2023

We invited parents into school for a Numeracy Kit Check In session this afternoon. Parents had the opportunity to share how they have been using the Numeracy Kits at home to learn alongside their child. It was amazing talking all things maths with everyone and sharing what is working well and discussing the challenges of learning at home. 

If you would like to loan a resource kit or have any questions about supporting your child with maths at home, please contact the school office and we would be happy to help. 

Numeracy Resource Kit Parent Check In 16.3.23

Home Support Session: Primary 3 and 4

September 2022

Following on from our trial of the resource kit we received great feedback from both pupils and parents about how they used the resource kit at home. From this feedback the resource kit and activity booklet were updated to provide further games and resources to support and extend numeracy learning at home.

It was fantastic to invite parents into school for an in person launch of the Numeracy Resource Kits. During the session parents were able to learn about different games and strategies that can be used at home to support and extend learning, along with some helpful tips and advice. 

The session was great fun with opportunities to play some of the activities in the booklet with a partner. A huge thank you to all that attended for their great attitude and Growth Mindset to having a go with the games. It was great to see you all having such fun.....and getting competitive with each other!

Take a look at the updated activity booklet for a variety of games that can be played with little or no resources. There are even some games for outdoor learning and games to play in the car.

 If you would like to request a loan of a Numeracy Resource kit, please contact the school office. 

Numeracy Kit Activity Booklet V2.pdf

Numeracy at Home

Parent Session March 2022

This week we hosted a Numeracy at Home Parent Session. The session was a trial session introducing Numeracy Resources Kits that can be loaned out to use at home. The trial sessions have been aimed at Primary 3 and Primary 4 pupils and parents. 

Within the Numeracy Kits there are a variety of resources and useful tools to use to support numeracy at home. To compliment the resource kit, we have created a 'Parent's Guide to Numeracy Activities at Home' booklet. The booklet includes tips for supporting your child at home with numeracy and also lots of activity ideas to play at home. 

Parent Session Numeracy Activities at Home 8.3.22.pptx
Numeracy Kit Activity Booklet.pdf

Danestone Guides

Numeracy Booklet for the Early Years final.pdf
A Parents Guide to Numeracy Strategies.pdf
Number Talks Parent Workshop 13.2.20.pptx