Index by Source

2GB 873 AM

666 ABC Canberra

ABC Lateline

    • Jun 17, 2011: ABC: Paul Gilding and Tom Friedman on climate change and the end of economic growth

ABC News 24

ABC RN Breakfast

    • Dec 05, 2013: ABC: Chris Field: "it's really important that we view climate change as a problem in managing risk"


Al Jazeera


American Geophysical Union


    • May 30, 2013: AMSI: John Cook: "climate denial is essentially consensus denial, it's denying the scientific consensus"

BBC Altered States

    • Oct 30, 2013: BBC: Golden eagles are "susceptible to being killed by blade strikes at wind turbines"

BBC The Andrew Marr Show

    • May 12, 2019: BBC1: Nigel Farage: UK climate policy "isn't terribly intelligent"

    • Oct 14, 2018: BBC1: Coverage of IPCC report in Sunday papers: only "One story, page 6 of the Observer"...

    • Dec 08, 2013: BBC1: EDF CEO: "It is a challenge that we'll overcome if we are working together, joining forces"

    • Nov 10, 2013: BBC1: Shirley Williams: Climate change means "huge increases in the number of devastating weather crises"

    • Dec 11, 2011: BBC1: Sir David Attenborough talks about Frozen Planet and global warming with Andrew Marr

BBC The Daily Politics

BBC Horizon

BBC Inside Out

    • Oct 28, 2013: BBC1: Inside Out: "we may well be heading into more severe Maunder Minimum territory"

BBC Look North

BBC Media Centre

    • Mar 20,2019: BBC: Tony Hall: "For the BBC, impartiality is one of our most precious assets"

BBC Newsnight

BBC Question Time

    • Nov 14, 2013: BBC1: Question Time: Is Typhoon Haiyan further evidence of mankind creating climate change?"

BBC Radio 2: Misc

BBC Radio 3: Misc

BBC Radio 4: All in the Mind

BBC Radio 4: Any Answers

BBC Radio 4: Any Questions

BBC Radio 4: Costing the Earth

BBC Radio 4: Farming Today

BBC Radio 4: Feedback

BBC Radio 4: Food Programme

BBC Radio 4: Inside Science

BBC Radio 4: iPM

BBC Radio 4: Misc

BBC Radio 4: Moral Maze

BBC Radio 4 and BBC World Service: More or Less

BBC Radio 4: News

BBC Radio 4: PM

BBC Radio 4: Start the Week

BBC Radio 4: The Now Show

BBC Radio 4: The Life Scientific

BBC Radio 4: Thinking Allowed

BBC Radio 4: Thought for the Day

BBC Radio 4: Today Programme

BBC Radio 4: World at One

BBC Radio 4: World This Weekend

BBC Radio 4: You and Yours

BBC Radio 5 Live

BBC Radio Lincolnshire

BBC Radio Scotland

BBC Radio Wales

BBC Storyville

BBC The Sunday Politics

    • Jul 14, 2013: BBC2: Ed Davey: "the vast majority of climate change scientists believe that climate change is happening"



BBC World News: HARDtalk

BBC World Service


Bloomberg Businessweek

Cato Institute

Carbon Expo


Channel 4 Misc

Channel 4 News


Climate Assembly UK

Climate Group


    • Mar 03, 2014: CNBC: Warren Buffett: "effects of climate change, if any... have not affected the insurance market"

    • Jan 24, 2014: CNBC: Davos global warming panel: "I looked around... and saw a lot of empty seats"

    • May 17, 2013: CNBC: William Happer on CO2: "I think a thousand parts per million would be better for the planet"


Current TV

The Daily Telegraph


    • Jul 24, 2015: DECC: Amber Rudd: "we have to make sure that climate change action is pro-growth, pro-business"

    • Jun 03, 2013: DECC: Ed Davey criticises "destructive and loudly clamouring scepticism"

    • Feb 12, 2013: DECC: Ed Davey: "Because the stark fact is this - climate change is happening"


    • Nov 26, 2018: DEFRA: Michael Gove: "the planet and its weather patterns are changing before our eyes"

Democracy Now!

The Deseret News

EAT Foundation

The Economist



European Commission

Extinction Rebellion

    • Dec 05, 2019: XR: Emma Thompson: "there's a surprising amount of protein in the average household pet"

The Fifth Column

Fox Business

France 24

Global Warming Policy Foundation

Governor of California

Green Cross International

Green Front

    • Aug 01, 2012: Green Front: Richard Muller on Climategate: "What they did was, I think, shameful. And it was scientific malpractice."

The Guardian


    • Jun 11, 2014: IIED: Saleemul Huq about President Obama: "we want to use him to attack the deniers"

Institute of Public Affairs

International Green Awards



    • Apr 10, 2013: ITV News: Julia Slingo: We need to "get to grips with" climate disruption like "cold winters, cold springs"

    • Mar 25, 2013: ITV News: Sir John Beddington: "these extreme events are more likely because climate change has happened"

    • Sep 15, 2011: ITN: News item on ITN featuring the Times Atlas and Sir Brian Hoskins


    • Apr 27, 2021: ITV: "So is it time that we give up our pets in order to save our planet?"

    • Apr 16, 2019: ITV: Gail Bradbrook: "I've two boys... and they won't have enough food to eat in a few years' time"

    • Apr 04, 2009: ITV: Caroline Lucas on "binge flying" in ITV's Leaders of Europe TV debate

Jim Infofe Press Office

    • Aug 01, 2012: YouTube: Dr. Christy: Heatwave not what "global warming looks like", rather what "Mother Nature looks like"


    • Dec 31, 2013: KUSI: People on the Akademik Shokalskiy"seem to be partying their way through this situation"

The Lancet


    • Aug 10, 2017: LBC: Al Gore: "shocking how the BBC has engaged in climate denial"

    • Feb 18, 2013: LBC: Attenborough on climate change: "we're already abandoning some areas of the country"

London Live

The Milwaukee Journal

Minnesota Atheists


National Center for Science Education (NCSE)


    • Nov 12, 2009: NBC: Al Gore: "the interior of the Earth is extremely hot, several million degrees..."


News Xchange

New York Times

    • Jan 20, 2013: NYT: Obama: "none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought"

    • Jan 20, 2009: NYT: Obama: "We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories"

    • Jun 03, 2008: NYT: Obama: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"


One Young World

Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

The Owosso Argus-Press

Parliament of Canada


    • Feb 23, 2011: PEER: Dr. Charles Monnett is interviewed by agents from the U.S. Department of Interior

Point of Inquiry

Policy Exchange

Radio Ecoshock

RealClear Radio Hour

Royal Academy of Engineering

Royal Court Theatre

RIGB (Royal Institution of Great Britain

Royal Society

RTCC (Responding to Climate Change)

    • Feb 27, 2014: RTCC: Lord Deben: Canada and Australia "in an outrageously unacceptable position"

    • Feb 27, 2014: RTCC: John Prescott: Britain's Climate Change Act is "the model that people can follow"

    • Nov 11, 2013: RTCC: Yeb Sano on Typhoon Haiyan: "We must stop calling events like these as natural disasters"

    • Mar 14, 2012: RTCC: Dr. Andrew Jarvis interviewed at Berkhamsted Transition Town event


    • Apr 07, 2014: RTE: Duncan Stewart on climate and the media: "Is it that everybody wants to dodge climate change?"


San Francisco Chronicle

Sky News

Talk Radio AM640

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design)

    • Jul 13, 2010: TED: Matt Ridley: "We've gone beyond the capacity of the human mind to an extraordinary degree."

United Nations

    • Nov 23, 2015: UN: Ban Ki-moon: "push your governments to deliver what we need in Paris"

    • Nov 19, 2013: UN: Ban Ki-moon: "All around the world, people now face and fear the wrath of a warming planet"

    • Oct 29, 2013: UN: Bob Watson: "We are getting rid of hunger, at one level, poverty at another, but it's not sustainable"


University of Oxford

Wall Street Journal

    • Mar 14, 2012: WSJ: The Climate Kamikaze - WSJ's Anne Jolis reviews Michael Mann's new book

Washington Post

Westminster Hall

World Coal Association

World Economic Forum

