Index by Person - Surnames N-Z

Nirlungayuk, Gabriel: Deputy Minister of the Environment, Nunavut

Norman, David: Director of Campaigns, WWF-UK

Nurse, Sir Paul: Geneticist and President of the Royal Society

Obama, Barack: President of the United States

O'Keefe, William: CEO, George C. Marshall Institute

Oreskes, Naomi: Science historian and co-author of Merchants of Doubt

Otto, Dr. Friederike: Deputy Director, Environmental Change Institute

Pachauri, Dr Rajendra: Chairman of the IPCC

Paddock, William C.: Consultant and co-author of Famine 1975!

Palmer, Professor Tim: Director, Programme on Modelling and Predicting Climate, Oxford University

Parr, Dr. Doug: Chief Scientist and Policy Director, Greenpeace UK

Pearce, Fred: Science writer and journalist

Peiser, Dr. Benny: Director, Global Warming Policy Foundation

Pendleton, Andrew: Head of Campaigns, Friends of the Earth

Perry, Charles: Co-founder, SecondNature and former Director, BP Green Energy

Pershing, Jonathan: Former US Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change

Pethica, Professor John: Professor of material science and Fellow of the Royal Society

Pidgeon, Professor Nick: Professor of Environmental Psychology, Cardiff University

Pinker, Steven: Professor of Psychology, Harvard University

Pope, Dr. Vicky: Head of Integration and Growth, UK Met Office Hadley Centre

Porter, David: Chief Executive of the Association of Electricity Producers (UK)

Porritt, Jonathon: Environmentalist and writer

Prescott, John: Former UK Deputy Prime Minister, Council of Europe's rapporteur on climate change

Rapley, Professor Chris: Director of the British Antarctic Survey, 1998-2007

Read, Rupert: Academic and Green Party (UK) politician

    • Apr 23, 2018: BBC1: Rupert Read: climate change denial "amounts to kicking our children in the teeth"

Reitze, Dr. Arnold: Professor of Environmental Law, George Washington University Law School

Ridley, Matt: Author of The Rational Optimist

Robinson, Mary: Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Rockström, Professor Johan: Executive Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre

Rowlatt, Justin: BBC presenter and "Ethical Man"

Rudd, Amber: Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change in the UK

Rusbridger, Alan: Editor-in-chief, The Guardian

Rutter, Jill: Programme director, Institute for Government

Sagan, Professor Carl: Astronomer, astrophysicist and author

Saño, Naderev "Yeb": The Philippines' delegate to the COP19 climate summit in Warsaw

Sarmad, Ovais: Deputy Executive Secretary, UNFCCC

Sauven, John: Executive Director, Greenpeace UK

Scaife, Dr Adam: Meteorologist, Met Office Hadley Centre

Schmidt, Dr. Gavin: Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Schneider, Professor Stephen: Professor of Environmental Biology and Global Change at Stanford University

Sen, Amartya: Philosopher and economist

Shaw, Nicola: Chief Executive of the UK National Grid

Shine, Professor Keith: Regius Professor of Meteorology and Climate Science, Reading University

Shuckborough, Dr. Emily: Head of Open Oceans, British Antarctic Survey

Silver, Nate: Author and statistician

Simms, Andrew: Fellow of the New Economics Foundation

Singer, Professor Fred: Emeritus professor of environmental science at University of Virginia

Skinner, Dr Luke: Palaeoclimatologist, Department of Earth Sciences, Cambridge University

Slingo, Professor Julia: Chief Scientist, UK Met Office

Smith, Lord: Chris Smith, Former Chairman of the Environment Agency, UK

Sparks, Professor Tim: Nature advisor to the Woodland Trust

Spencer, Dr Roy: Climatologist and a Principal Research Scientist for the University of Alabama in Huntsville

Stark, Chris: CEO, Committee on Climate Change

Steiner, Achim: Executive Director, UNEP

Stern, Lord Nicholas: Baron Stern of Brentford, British economist and academic

Stevens, Fisher: Director and producer of Before the Flood

Stewart, Duncan: Environmentalist, architect, former presenter of RTE programme Eco Eye

    • Apr 07, 2014: RTE: Duncan Stewart on climate and the media: "Is it that everybody wants to dodge climate change?"

Stewart, Professor Iain: Geologist and Professor of Geoscience Communication at the University of Plymouth

St Louis, Connie: Lecturer in science journalism, City University

Stocker, Professor Thomas: Co-Chair, IPCC Working Group I

Stordalen, Dr. Gunhild A.: Co-founder and President of EAT Foundation

Stott, Dr. Peter: Leader of Climate Monitoring and Attribution Team, UK Met Office

Stott, Professor Philip: Professor emeritus of biogeography at SOAS, University of London

Stringer, Graham: Labour MP, UK Parliament

Sulston, Sir John: Biologist, Chair of the Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation (iSEI) at the University of Manchester

Sutton, Professor Mark:Environmental physicist, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Sutton, Professor Rowan: Director of NCAS, researcher at Walker Institute

Suzuki, David: Canadian academic and environmental activist

Swinburn, Professor Boyd: Professor of Population Nutrition and Global Health, University of Auckland

Swingland, Professor Ian: Conservation biologist

Taalas, Petteri: Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization

Taylor, Dr. Mitchell: Polar bear expert, Lakehead University

Thatcher, Margaret: Prime Minister of Great Britain, 1981 - 1990

Thomas, Professor Stephen: Professor of Energy Studies, Greenwich University

Thompson, Emma: Hollywood actress and climate campaigner

Thunberg, Greta: Climate change activist

Tindale, Stephen: Associate fellow, Centre for European Reform, also former Executive Director, Greenpeace UK

Tittensor, Dr Derek: Research scientist working on issues of marine biodiversity

Townsend, Solitaire: Co-founder and Chief Executive of Futerra Sustainability Communications

Tol, Professor Richard: Professor of Economics, University of Sussex

Trenberth, Dr Kevin: Head of Climate Analysis, National Centre for Atmospheric Research

Tschakert, Professor Petra: Assistant Professor of Geography, Pennsylvania State University

Turner, Lord Adair: Chairman, Committee on Climate Change (UK government advisory body)

Turner, Professor John: Leader of Climate Variability and Modelling group, British Antarctic Survey

Turney, Professor Chris: Professor of Climate Change, UNSW

Tutu, Desmond: Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town and social activist

van der Linden, Dr. Sander: Social psychologist, Princeton University

Verdier, Philippe: Meteorologist and author

Vidal, John: Environment Editor, The Guardian

Vince, Dale: Owner of green UK electricity company Ecotricity

Vishvapani: Member of the Triratna Buddhist order

Wadhams, Professor Peter: Professor of Ocean Physics, University of Cambridge

Walley, Joan: Labour MP, UK Parliament, also Chair, House of Commons Environmental Audit Select Committee

Walport, Sir Mark: UK Government Chief Scientific Advisor

Ward, Bob: Policy and Communications Director, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change

Watson, Professor Andrew: Climate scientist, School of Environmental Sciences, UEA

Watson, Professor Bob: Chief scientific advisor to UK Government's Department for the Environment

Watson, Professor Jim: Professor of Energy Policy, Director of the Sussex Energy Group

Watts, Anthony: Meteorologist, blogger and president, IntelliWeather Inc.

    • Dec 31, 2013: KUSI: People on the Akademik Shokalski seem to be partying their way through this situation"

Weaver, Dr. Andrew: Climate scientist and politician

    • Feb 09, 2015: CBC: Andrew Weaver on Climategate: "let's be very clear - this is an artificial scandal"

Weintrobe, Sally: Psychoanalyst

Westwood, Vivienne: English fashion designer and businesswoman, co-founder of Climate Revolution

Wheeler, Dr. Dennis: Reader in Geography, University of Sunderland

    • Oct 28, 2013: BBC1: Inside Out: "we may well be heading into more severe Maunder Minimum territory"

Whitehouse, Dr David: Astronomer, science editor at GWPF

Williams, Dr. Paul: Meteorologist and Royal Society Research Fellow, University of Reading

Willis, Professor Rebecca: Professor in Practice, Lancaster University

Windsor, Prince Charles: HRH The Prince of Wales

Worthington, Baroness Bryony: British environmental campaigner and Labour life peer in the House of Lords

Wright, Martin: Chairman, Renewable Energy Alliance

Yeo, Tim: Conservative MP, Chairman of the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee (UK)

Zelnio, Kevin: Marine Biologist