
Source: Reason TV

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZlsKvOkHIY#t=18

Date: 21/09/2014

Event: The People's Climate March: "Everybody turn everything off"

Credit: Reason TV


  • Kmele Foster: Co-host of Fox Business' The Independents

["What We Saw at the People's Climate March", New York, 21st September, 2014.]

[Scenes showing a number of protesters - one with a gas mask bearing a label "Nuke the Climate", a man holding up a sign saying "Capitalism is a Pyramid Scheme", someone with a sign "I'm Marching for my Grandchildren", a man dressed in a strange black-and-white suit holding a placard with "I Fart, Therefore I am" on one side and "The Problem" on the other, a young man holding a Socialist Alternative newsletter, a man playing a guitar and singing (to the tune of "We shall not be moved") "They shall be removed, just like the garbage, floating down the water, they shall be removed..."]

Kmele Foster [to woman in floral hat]: What do you want to see happen?

Woman in floral hat: I want to see - well, in general, I want to see people coming together and raising their voices, and being inspired to take action.

Kmele Foster [to middle-aged woman with curly hair and sunglasses]: So what do we do?

Woman in sunglasses: We... we understand that corporations have to be reined in... held on a leash, to stop them from doing anything they want to, the next insane idea.

Man in black T-shirt: The solution is standing up, fighting back right now, bringing millions of people into resistance, but building a movement for actual revolution and a new society.

Kmele Foster: What do you want to happen?

Man in black T-shirt: We need a whole new society.

Kmele Foster: But do you want to frack, do you want wind, do you want solar?

Man in black T-shirt: We need - we need green energy, we need to bring forward green energy, but that can only happen, really, under a new socialist society.

Man with grey beard and baseball cap: I wouldn't want a turbine in my yard, either.

Kmele Foster: Okay.

Man with grey beard: And I looked at solar, but I wouldn't want to have a solar factory in my yard, either.

Kmele Foster: So, what do you want to do, exactly?

Man with grey beard: I don't have the answer. But the kids do. And they're being stifled. If you have a new idea, you're wrong - they put the lid on [?]

[People are holding up a sign: "Make Fracking a Crime".]

Kmele Foster [to middle-aged woman with curly hair and sunglasses]: Would you like to see civil penalties or, I mean, criminal?

Woman in sunglasses: Criminal penalties against corporate directors, and, er, and various other - anybody involved in fracking.

[There is a big blue sign: "CAPITALISM = CLIMATE CHAOS". A rather corpulent person is wearing a red T-shirt with "Too Big to Fail" and "Communist Party: Young Communist League" underneath. There is a large model of a Predator drone, with a sign: "U.S. DRONE WAR: BEHEADING PROGRAM OF CLIMATE-DESTROYING EMPIRE". The man with a guitar is now singing (to the tune of "Jambalaya (On the Bayou)") "Jambalaya, damn those climate change deniers, how can you ignore those droughts and fires, but some day they may reap what they sow..."]

Kmele Foster [to man in dark glasses and black T-shirt]: What sort of changes do you want to see happen?

Man in black T-shirt: Um, I think that we need more renewable energy, we need to be putting money into, ah, alternatives to oil and burning coal.

Kmele Foster [to man in black baseball cap]: The principal issue seems to be that a lot of the new energy is really, really expensive, and that's the reason people aren't using it.

Man in black baseball cap: That's what the corporate people want you to believe. [?]

Kmele Foster: So it's not true.

Man in black baseball cap: It's not true.

Woman with large earrings: They own everything. They own our governments. They own - they own all the industry. They run this country - they run this world, but they run this country.

[The band plays and two young women are dancing together. A young bearded man has what appears to be a miniature red windmill tied to his forehead with a handkerchief.]

Woman with spectacles: I think your question was a question in the right place [?] which is it can't be about poor people having to pay more.

Woman with long, curly hair: We live in a grotesque era of - where we have everything we want all the time, right now.

Man with long silver hair: I think having less is actually very freeing.

Man with grey beard and spectacles: I think we just have way too much stuff, and we use energy like it's never going to run out - and it will run out, eventually.

Man with grey beard: Turn - turn everything off.

Kmele Foster: Everyone turn everything off.

Man with grey beard: Everybody turn everything off.

Kmele Foster: I really need my cellphone.

Man with grey beard: I don't.

[Meanwhile, a young man in a penguin suit is absorbed in what's happening on his smartphone. A woman in a blue-green dress is holding up banners and what appears to be a rattle. The man with the guitar is singing "We shall not be moved."]

Man with the guitar: Climate justice now!