• Dec 17: Labour Party: Gordon Brown: Hurricanes, floods, typhoons, droughts revealed to be "the visible acts of man"

    • Dec 16: Nehanda Radio: Robert Mugabe: Climate change a "man-made planetary, if not cosmic disaster"

    • Dec 16: venezuelanalysis.com: Hugo Chavez: Capitalism "threatens to put a definitive end to the human species"

    • Dec 16: Democracy Now!: Evo Morales: Climate change is the fault of the "irrationally industrialized" countries

    • Dec 05: YouTube: Caroline Lucas: "climate change is a far greater threat than international terrorism"

    • Dec 05: YouTube: John McDonnell: direct action "to ensure that we end carbon emissions in this country"

    • Dec 04: BBC Radio 4: Distorting the debate "to make the threat seem even more serious than they believed it to be"

    • Dec 03: BBC Newsnight: Andrew Watson and Marc Morano - a heated debate

    • Nov 29: BBC1: Caroline Lucas is interviewed by Andrew Marr before the Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change

    • Nov 12: NBC: Al Gore: "the interior of the Earth is extremely hot, several million degrees..."

    • Oct 29: NBC: Information Daily: Gordon Brown: "now fewer than 50 days to set the course for the next few decades"

    • Sep 02: NBC: BBC Radio 4: James Naughtie interviewing Ed Miliband, a few months before COP15 in Copenhagen

    • Apr 20: ABC: Penny Sackett: "we have six years to reverse the trend from increasing CO2 emissions"

    • Apr 14: BBC Radio 4: Bob Andrews, of Eastside Climate Action, on closing down power stations

    • Apr 04: ITV: Caroline Lucas on "binge flying" in ITV's Leaders of Europe TV debate

    • Jan 20: BBC Newsnight: "Restoring science to its rightful place"

    • Jan 20: NYT: Obama: "We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories"