
Source: BBC Radio 4: Today


Date: 10/12/2015

Event: Roger Harrabin: COP21 negotiators "discussing the shape of a new world order"

Credit: BBC Radio 4


    • Roger Harrabin: BBC's Environment Analyst

[Partial transcript of Roger Harrabin reporting from COP21 in Paris.]

Roger Harrabin: Negotiators here are, in effect, discussing the shape of a new world order. The old rich-versus-poor divisions are now much more complex. The most vulnerable nations blame the rich for the problem, but also fear the rise in pollution from emerging nations like China, India and Brazil. The Americans partially agree. They say emerging economies must play a much bigger role in curbing emissions and in helping the most vulnerable states. Emerging economies say the US can't wriggle out of its historic pollution this way. It's not just posturing. These are deeply-held views. Delegates have 36 hours to start reshaping the way the world sees itself.

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Roger Harrabin: What we are trying to do in Paris - the delegates are trying to do in Paris - is to codify the shape of a changing world.