
Source: United Nations

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tnIyAOKnBw

Date: 23/11/2015

Event: Ban Ki-moon: "push your governments to deliver what we need in Paris"

Credit: United Nations


    • Ban Ki-moon: Secretary-General of the UN

Ban Ki-moon: Governments will soon meet in Paris to finalise an agreement to limit climate change and strengthen resilience to its consequences. The decisions taken in Paris will shape the future of our planet and human society for generations to come. That is why we need an ambitious global agreement. It must show solidarity for the poor and vulnerable, and it must meet the climate challenge.

Governments are responsible for delivering a deal, but I appeal to you - the citizens of the world - to remind them what is at stake. Let your leaders know that the time has come for a strong agreement, an agreement backed by action. Raise your voices. Challenge your leaders to be bold and to do more.

We need a prosperous, clean energy future. We must protect our common home. Everyone has a role to play. I'm inspired by your commitment to make this a safer and a better world for all. I count on you to push your governments to deliver what we need in Paris. Together we can build a healthier future for people and the planet. Thank you.