
Source: The Courier-Mail

URL: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/49646279

Date: 06/11/1947

Event: "Drought Stalks Hungry World"

Credit: The Courier-Mail, Trove (National Library of Australia)



LONDON, November 5 (Special). - While Australia is enjoying good seasons and torrential rains sweep away priceless rice crops in Central China, the remainder of the world is anxiously scanning skies for a hint of rain. In Britain, Manchester and 25 adjoining towns are threatened with lack of household water supplies unless conditions created by a rainless summer and autumn improve.

A large area of Europe is suffering. Norwegian farmers have already lost £10 million because of dry weather, and it is feared that electrical power to industry will be further reduced by falls in river levels. Swedish lakes are two to three feet below normal level. Some paper pulp mills have had to halt machines. Danes complain that they are having to import feeding stuffs.

Hardest hit European areas are in the east and south-east. They have experienced their driest summer within living memory. The worst sufferer is Czechoslovakia, where all milk and butter for healthy adults has stopped. Germany is also in the throes of a drought. French hydro-electric plants have been unable to meet demands, and industry has been warned that use of power during prohibited times may compel cuts in domestic supply.

Palestine and the Trans-Jordan are suffering their worst drought for 50 years. Loss of crops has been tragic, necessitating widespread Government relief measures. South Africa is experiencing its fourth successive drought, with heavy losses in grain and livestock. The United States is also gripped by drought, with an estimated 40 per cent loss in her winter wheat crop.