
Source: The Sun and YouTube

URL: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10557713

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGqlJBQmQA8

Date: 13/12/2019

Event: Greta Thunberg on world leaders: "We will make sure... that we put them against the wall"

Credit: The Sun, Ruptly


    • Greta Thunberg: Climate activist

[Greta Thunberg gives a speech in Turin for a Fridays for the Future demonstration.]

Greta Thunberg: The COP25 meeting that is happening in Madrid right now is almost over, and we unfortunately probably know the outcome. World leaders are still trying to run away from their responsibilities, but we have to make sure that they cannot do that. We will make sure they - that we put them against the wall, and that they will have to do their job and to protect our futures. [Whoops and applause from climate activists.] Yesterday many climate activists were thrown out from the COP25, so therefore we strike today. All around the world is solidarity, er... and so - yeah... [Whoops and applause from climate activists.]

It is not fair that the older generations are handing over the responsibility to solve this crisis to us young people, we who have not started this crisis. It is not fair that we have to do all this. [Whoops and applause from climate activists.] The adults are behaving as if there was no tomorrow but there is tomorrow, it is the tomorrow where we young people will live and we have to fight for that tomorrow. We cannot no longer take that tomorrow for granted - we have to fight for that tomorrow as if our lives depended on it, because it does. [Whoops and applause from climate activists.]

And this decade - I cannot say enough how important this decade will be - this is a decade that will define our future. What we decide to do or not do in this decade we will have to live with for the rest of our lives, and our children and our grandchildren will also have to live with it.