
Source: London Live


Date: 27/04/2015

Event: Vivienne Westwood: "We do face the extinction of the human race, quite soon"

Credit: London Live


    • Vivienne Westwood: English fashion designer and businesswoman, co-founder of Climate Revolution

Vivienne Westwood: We've got to stop fracking, that's one reason why I'm here, the specific reason I'm here - we've got to stop fracking. But... and this is what we're facing. Birth defects - this is what this baby's a victim of [she is holding a plastic doll covered in red blotches.]

And, um, so... the reason, the main thing I really want to say is: fracking, all the policies of the government, including the support that Labour would give, and they would do the same thing - all the government people - what I want to say is: they're criminals. Because every one of their policies is against humanity, it's a crime against humanity. Everything they want to do - austerity, all these things, all they're doing is sucking up wealth, making people poorer and it all gets syphoned off to the banks, the faceless evil behind the whole financial system.

And we have got to vote for a government who are all criminals. And we can't vote for them. The only possibility is to vote for the Green Party - that's the only thing you can do, at least it's not a wasted vote. And, and, um... and, um... you know, so they do care about the environment, they are the only ones that do. And I'm an activist and I go around and I realise that half the people in the world have no idea what's going on, and more or less the other half don't care.

And so what we've - we need public opinion, if we're going to save ourselves. And even this stupid election, which - you know, it's all been like points, like a game. It's actually every decision people make from now on, we're in such a terrible situation, that it's actually a matter of life and death. We do face the extinction of the human race, quite soon. This is being concealed from us by the criminals.

You know, so there's little thing here [?] You know, doesn't David Cameron, he lost a child, you know, can't he just he just - does his heart not work for anybody else? You know, I mean, he's just - they're all agents, criminal agents of the banks. And if you can get that over to people, I think people might start to think and start to care about what's going on in the world, 'cos we need public opinion.