
Source: YouTube

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ta2DAOu5X8

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-lYK2qQ0eQ

Date: 04/11/2006

Event: LibDems: "Only ten years, literally, to save the planet"

Credit: Liberal Democrats


  • Ed Davey: Member of UK Parliament, Kingston and Surbiton
  • Lynne Featherstone: Member of UK Parliament, Hornsey and Wood Green
  • Simon Hughes: Member of UK Parliament, Bermondsey and Old Southwark
  • Chris Huhne: Member of UK Parliament, Eastleigh

[Liberal Democrat politicians taking part in the Stop Climate Chaos march in London, 4th November 2006. The transcript is taken from two different videos, which have overlapping material.]

Ed Davey [holding a placard saying "POLLUTION IS CHEAP, OUR WORLD IS PRICELESS: GREEN TAXES NOW"]: I'm delighted to see so many Liberal Democrats, not just from across London but across the country, coming here to show our commitment to the "I Count" anti-climate change rally here in London. I think we'll be the biggest show of a mainstream political party here today, and I think it's getting the message over of the campaigns that Ming and the party's been launching over a period. The Green Tax Switch is critical, I think, to our party's message to the British people. And I think we're already beginning to win the argument.

Lynne Featherstone: Okay, well, here we are. This is the LibDem meeting place before we go off and join the march, the climate change march. Only ten years, literally, to save the planet. And for those of you out there who think climate change is, uh, not going to happen, it's not so important, then all I can say is go and see the Al Gore film An Inconvenient Truth.

'Cause he does it in plain language, in a way that no-one can come out of that film - the message is so convincing and so compelling that if you go, you will do whatever is necessary, which is not to wear a hair shirt but to change about 5 or 10% of your habits, whether it's a few less car journeys, a plane trip a year less. It's not the end of the world, but it will be, if you don't do it. [Some placards behind her say "WHEN THE ICE MELTS, YOUR 4X4 WON'T WORK: GREEN TAXES NOW".]

[Scenes of marchers with green placards, shouting "What do we want? Green Taxes! When do we want them? Now!"]

Chris Huhne: The Green Tax Switch is the litmus test of how seriously we're taking climate change. What it is, is using green taxes to help change our behaviour by pricing up those things which are bad for the environment, and using the revenue to cut income taxes so that we reduce taxes on the things which are generally good, like work and effort and risk. And that Green Tax Switch - no overall increase in taxes, but using the tax system to make sure we actually drive less polluting cars, that we take less polluting flights. That's the name of the game - using the tax system to change our behaviour, not to raise revenue for the government.

[More scenes of crowds with placards, marching and gathering in Trafalgar Square - there is a WWF poster in the background.]

Simon Hughes: This is one of the most important issues facing the country and the world. And it's one of the most important times for people to come together to make their views clear. There was a huge march in this country, which the Liberals were present at, against the war in Iraq. We were there - we were right, then. We're here - we're right, now. And the more people who can see groups like ours and parties like ours leading the argument with ordinary people on the streets, as well as in Council chambers and Parliament, the more likely we are to persuade people that they, too, must join us.