
Source: The Guardian

URL: http://www.theguardian.com/science/antarctica-live/video/2013/dec/30/antarctica-live-video-diary-trapped-ice-missing-milkshake-video

Date: 30/12/2013

Event: "I miss... banana peanut butter milkshakes"


    • Laurence Topham: Video and interactive producer, the Guardian

Laurence Topham: I've had, I think, at least six hours' sleep, but it just doesn't feel like it at all. Um, feel really tired... I think Alok and I are both, for the first time, really beginning to feel run-down and... wanna go home. Er... Like, so far, up until this point, it's been, you know, it's been an adventure, and it's kind of what we signed up for, and that's kind of what we were hoping for.

Um, but now it's, pwfff... I mean, it's fun. Ish. But it's quite stressful. I miss my girlfriend... I miss my family and friends... I miss... banana peanut butter milkshakes. And... I miss, I miss just the nice, comfortable bed. I've got this really thin, small bed. I mean, I'm thin but that's even thinner. And it's not comfortable.

And I've hurt my back. My back aches... And I jammed my leg in the door last night, when I was filing in the snow, and that hurts. And it's only going to get worse... Tune in! [Gives a hollow laugh.] God... Next time, on... [Laughs.] Stranded in ice! [Laughs.] Oh God, I'm going mad.