
Source: SimonDotException, YouTube

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W2EptWf_1w

Date: 05/12/2009

Event: John McDonnell promises direct action "to ensure that we end carbon emissions in this country"

Credit: SimonDotException


    • John McDonnell: UK MP for Hayes and Harlington

[John McDonnell addresses the climate emergency rally held in Hyde Park by CaCC on 5th December 2009.]

John McDonnell: We all know why we're here. What's this crap about not endorsing the demands? I endorse the demands, as set out earlier today. It's very straightforward. Next week's summit is the most important meeting of world leaders, certainly in our lives and almost certainly in the history of our planet. And the demands are simple - despite the dirty tricks, the attempts at sabotage, the climate change deniers hacking into systems, the demands are straightforward. We expect them to agree a treaty, which includes a 40% cut in emissions by 2020 - anything less, anything less is a betrayal of our planet and our community.

But in addition to that, we know the burden will fall upon the poorest countries, and therefore we expect them to agree a package of hundreds of billions of dollars in support from the wealthy countries to the poorest, to support them in sustaining our planet. [Cheering and applause from the audience.] We expect them to use mechanisms of redistribution of wealth and Tobin taxes - and yes, the end of spending our money on weapons of mass destruction and immoral wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or anywhere else. [Cheering and applause from the audience.]

And let me say this. I live in and represent the community that's at the forefront, at the front line of the battle against climate change in this country. I represent the communities around Heathrow. And there's no use Prime Ministers or Secretaries of State going to Copenhagen and signing treaties and then coming back and promoting a third runway at Heathrow. It's hypocrisy and cant! [Cheering and applause from the audience.]

Because what it means - what it means for my community is 10,000 people losing their homes or having their homes rendered unliveable because the air they breathe is poisoned. It means the loss of our schools, our community churches, our Gurdwara - they even wanted to drive a road through our cemetery so we have to dig up our dead. So I don't want words next week - I want actions to follow them. Because the battle about Heathrow isn't just about my community, it's not about saving the villages of Heathrow - it's also, if we don't control emissions from aviation, it's about saving our planet. And we can no longer stand by and allow capitalism to plunder our planet for profits. So we demand not just words next week - we demand actions.

But let me give you this warning - to all those politicians who think they can go there, sign a treaty and do nothing. Let me give them this warning. If politicians fail, the people won't. If politics fail, we will be launching a campaign of direct action to ensure that there's no third runway at Heathrow, to ensure that we end carbon emissions in this country and to ensure that we protect our planet. There is not politics - it will be direct action on a scale they've not seen before. Solidarity! [Cheering and applause from the audience.]