
Sources: Press Association, Talk Fracking

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYP6odlyajU

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSoANa1ieYQ

Date: 18/12/2014

Event: Vivienne Westwood and son: "fracking could be the next asbestos or thalidomide"

Credit: Press Association, Talk Fracking


    • Joseph Corre: Businessman
    • Angus Dunsire: Video journalist
    • Vivienne Westwood: English fashion designer and businesswoman

[PA video: street scenes in central London, including a man dressed as Santa in a gas mask and holding a sign saying "Don't Let Fracking Be The Next Asbestos".]

Angus Dunsire: Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a toxic chemical that can seriously damage your health and sometimes cause death. In the latest chapter in her campaign against fracking, Vivienne Westwood has attempted to deliver asbestos as a Christmas present to David Cameron. Also included in Westwood's festive treat was an open letter from Talk Fracking signed by 150 high-profile supporters of the campaign, including Sir Paul McCartney, Stella McCartney and Russell Brand. The 73 year-old fashion designer knocked on the door of No.10 with her businessman son Joseph, where funnily enough, the PM did not greet them with open arms.

Joseph Corre: This morning we have attempted to deliver a Christmas present to Mr. Cameron, which is a box of asbestos. This is because the government's Chief Scientific Advisor Mr. Walport has advised that fracking could be the next asbestos or thalidomide. And we've delivered some independent medical reports to him and asked him to really look at those reports over the Christmas period, because they link very clearly the chemicals used in the fracking industry to some really horrible serious illnesses.

Vivienne Westwood: Will David Cameron listen to us? Well, he lost a child, he must have some sympathy. And he's not connecting the dots. You are being lied to, all the time. And we are not lying. And it's very, very important that the public take control of democracy.

Angus Dunsire: Their visit to Downing Street comes just a day after New York announced that it would ban fracking, as it poses potential health risks.

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[Talk Fracking video: "Dear David: A Merry Xmas From Talk Fracking". Scenes include half-lit glimpses of a person dressed as Santa Claus stuffing pieces of white, fluffy material into a box, to discordant music.]

Vivienne Westwood: Please take some time, over the festive period, to consider the legacy that your decisions as Prime Minister will have.

Joseph Corre: We delivered this morning a Christmas present to David Cameron, a box of asbestos. This is following on from his Chief Scientific Advisor, in his report which compared fracking to asbestos and thalidomide. We delivered a couple of independent medical reports that show the clear links between fracking and a range of very serious health issues, including birth defects in children. We're asking Cameron to take a bit of time, over the festive period, to read through those reports and consider the consequences of what his legacy could be, by foisting fracking onto the British people.