
Source: N/A


Date: 24/05/2006

Event: An Inconvenient Truth

Credit: N/A


  • Al Gore: Former Vice President of the United States

[Idyllic scenes of trees and water: the Caney Fork River near Carthage, Tennessee.]

Al Gore: You look at that river gently flowing by. You notice the leaves rustling with the wind. You hear the birds; you hear the tree frogs. In the distance you hear a cow. You feel the grass. The mud gives a little bit on the river bank. It’s quiet; it's peaceful. And all of a sudden, it’s a gear shift inside you. And it’s like taking a deep breath and going, "Oh yeah, I forgot about this."

[Cut to scene of Al Gore presenting his slideshow: a picture of the Earth, as seen from space.]

Al Gore: This is the first picture of the Earth from space that any of us ever saw. It was taken on Christmas Eve 1968, during the Apollo 8 mission.

[Cut to a different scene of Al Gore presenting his slideshow, somewhere in Asia.]

Al Gore: - within relatively comfortable boundaries. But we are filling up that thin shell of atmosphere with pollution.

[Cut to a montage of Al Gore receiving applause, mingling with people, walking through a corridor towards a stage.]

Al Gore: I am Al Gore. I used to be the next President of the United States. [Laughter and applause from audience.] I don’t find that particularly funny. [More laughter.]