
Source: National Review

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ3gRNVLfg8

Date: 23/09/2014

Event: Climate protesters in Wall Street: "we can go there and burn their houses down"

Credit: National Review


  • Katherine Timpf: Reporter and columnist

[National Review's Katherine Timpf interviews protesters at the "Flood Wall Street" climate march.]

Katherine Timpf [to man in polar bear suit]: What do you think's going to happen if we don't take action on climate change now?

Polar bear: If we don't take action on climate change now, two - half to two thirds of the world's mammal species will either go extinct or be made endangered.

Elderly man in pink shirt: Climate change? [Laughs.] Well, I'll tell you, makes me hot all the time. I change the climate in me, as a man, I change all the time when I eat - it's bullshit going on.

Bearded young man in lumberjack shirt: All these people have names and addresses - like every person fucking us over. We know where they live, and we can go there and burn their houses down. I mean, look - you want to fucking ruin my environment, ruin my home? I'll come to your home and I'll ruin yours.

Katherine Timpf [to bearded young man]: So you think the house-burning was a good kind of strategy?

Bearded young man: Hell, yeah...

[A middle-aged man in hat and sunglasses is holding a sign: "END CAPITALISM BEFORE IT ENDS US (& THE PLANET!)]

Man with sign: We appear in miracle on Spaceship Earth - we live on a spaceship, literally!

Katherine Timpf [to spaced-out middle-aged man in a Grateful Dead T-shirt]: What kind of policies would you like to see, to change everything?

[Spaced-out man]: [Very long pause]. I don't know...

[Angry man in floppy hat and white cardigan]: They should be taking fucking sledgehammers and just busting up everything. And shutting the system down, altogether.

[Long-haired man in black jacket]: If we know that a species is going to be here tomorrow, it could be here the next day. If it's gone tomorrow, it's not going to be here the next day.

Polar bear: And the temperature of the planet will heat up beyond anybody's ability to comprehend how hot that will be.

Katherine Timpf [to excited, long-haired young woman]: How do you propose to fight against it?

Young woman: We are all planning on getting arrested! [Laughs.]

Katherine Timpf [to man with green and black banner]: If we don't change the course, what do you think is going to happen?

Man with banner: Um... Ask Adolf Hitler.

Katherine Timpf: Sorry?

Man with banner: Ask Adolf Hitler.

Man with "END CAPITALISM..." sign: I was raised by black people, so I'm not going to say anything bad about [inaudible] races, but I'm just going to tell you, we got a white prack [?] [could be "prick" but sounds like "prack"] of a President in a black skin, and he's a piece of shit.

Katherine Timpf [to man in white T-shirt and black cap]: What do you think people should do, to be heard, you know, in terms of climate and...?

Man in black cap: Wha- what- what I think? I think all these people here should gather up and protest for better treatment of the Palestinians!

Spaced-out man in Grateful Dead T-shirt: Shame and humble all the wealthy, wealthy people, their families, their kids - have protests out in front of their schools... Because, if they're not shamed, themselves, then you can shame their children. You know... really. Really.

Man with "END CAPITALISM..." sign: We! Are! The 100%! We! Are! The 100%!