
Source: National Advocate

URL: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/161304709

Date: 31/03/1947

Event: The "greatest tragedy in food production the country has ever known"

Credit: National Advocate, Trove (National Library of Australia)


Huge Flood Losses - Britain's Plight

LONDON, Sunday: The blizzards and floods in Britain have caused the greatest tragedy in food production the country has ever known. According to the British Farmers' Union rations may soon have to be cut down.

So far, more than 1,300,000 sheep and lambs have died in the snow drifts, 30,000 head of small cattle have perished and losses of calves, pigs and poultry may amount to £500,000. Nearly 100,000 acres of winter wheat have been written off and the nation has been deprived of more than 100,000 tons of potatoes. Total losses in terms of money are put at £20,000,000.

Farmers estimate that the setback in production has already taken from them two-thirds of their income this year. Experts say it will take at least seven years to bring the flocks back to their normal numbers.

The Farmers' Union is appealing for contributions to its agricultural disaster fund to help farmers get their lands back to full time production.