
Source: TckTckTck

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRHNveEFMdY

Date: 23/11/2013

Event: COP19 was the "Finance COP" but "that's not what it's going to be remembered for"

Credit: TckTckTck


  • Liz Gallagher: Programme leader, E3G

Liz Gallagher: We didn't see any kind of hard guarantees on the $100 billion, which was a shame. We did get some money into the adaptation fund, but, you know, this COP was billed as the "Finance COP". Um, and that's not what it's going to be remembered for, so it's a bit of a shame. You know, we'll come back next year and we'll get some more momentum going, on this $100 billion. There are hooks in the texts for us to come back and, kind of, fight, you know, another fight.

Which is good, but it's, kind of, not enough, and I think the reason why we saw it's not enough because what we saw was all the big emitters start to play different issues across each other. And that was deeply unhelpful, and it meant that finance suffered, it meant that loss and damage suffered, and it also meant that the 2015 deadline suffered.

It was a "I won't", you know, "you've got to go first" type of approach, and that's deeply unhelpful. And next year, we hope, is we get closer to 2015, they'll come up in a bit more of a constructive light and be a bit more prepared, you know - these guys knew that finance was on the table. We had the MEF, we had the Copenhagen Summit - er, Copenhagen talks - we had talks in Washington. They knew climate change - climate finance was on the table and they didn't get prepared, and that was a bit of a disappointment for us.

But not all is lost, with the adaptation fund, kind of, reaching $100 million, so... yeah. Disappointed about the long term, but, you know, there's some interim opportunities.