




Kontakt 4 Factory Library - Microtuning

Author : Native Instruments

Written by: Josef Natterer, Nicki Marinic

Modified: September 11, 2009

Notes per Octave

Author: Native Instruments

Written by: Nicki Marinic

Modified: July 29, 2009

Sustain pedal script by Nils Liberg and based on ideas by Hans Adamson


  Upon release of the sustain pedal the builtin Kontakt sustain pedal script will release all

  notes which are not held pressed. If multiple instances of a single note was triggered the

  last one will be kept and note-off messages for the other ones issued. This can cause

  problems when you, while holding the pedal pressed, play for example a high-velocity C4 and 

  then a low-velocity C4 and then release the pedal while holding the C4 note pressed.

  Since the first event is released and the second is not there will be a sudden jump down

  in volume which is quite unrealistic for pianos.


  Unlike the builtin script this script will keep both of the two C4 samples sounding until the key is released.  

Kiyokawa Shunya Combination and More simple script


on init

{Please rewrite Note Numbers you want}

declare $tableNumber := 19

declare ui_label $test (1,1)



set_script_title("My tuning")


declare const $TUNE_RANGE := 50

declare $pass := 0

declare $count

declare !note_class[12]

!note_class[0] := "C"

!note_class[1] := "Db"

!note_class[2] := "D"

!note_class[3] := "Eb"

!note_class[4] := "E"

!note_class[5] := "F"

!note_class[6] := "Gb"

!note_class[7] := "G"

!note_class[8] := "Ab"

!note_class[9] := "A"

!note_class[10] := "Bb"

!note_class[11] := "B"

declare !note_names [128]

$count := 0

while ($count < 128)

!note_names[$count] := !note_class[$count mod 12] & (($count/12)-2)

inc ($count)

end while

declare $a

declare $b

{tableNumber Per Octave}

declare $Detune_Amount

declare $Trans_Amount

declare ui_knob $Root (0,127,1)

move_control ($Root,3,2)

set_knob_defval ($Root,60)

$Root := 60

set_knob_label ($Root,!note_names[$Root])

make_persistent ($Root)

set_control_help ($Root,"Root: Sets the root note from which the octave will be divided into the number of equal parts, which is specified with <tableNumber>.")


set_knob_label ($Root,!note_names[$Root])


{--------UI Elements--------}

declare ui_table %tune_ui[$tableNumber](4,5,-$TUNE_RANGE)

make_persistent (%tune_ui)

set_control_help (%tune_ui,"Tuning Table: Adjust the detuning for each of the twelve notes.") 

declare ui_knob $Amount (0,100,1)

$Amount := 100



declare $helper_tune

set_control_help ($Amount,"Amount: Adjusts the amount of the tuning. When set to 100%, each note is tuned to the cent value specified with the table. When set to 0%, no tuning is applied.") 


move_control (%tune_ui, 2,2)

move_control ($Amount, 2,4)

{sustain pedal}

declare const $NONE := 0      

declare $i  

declare %ids[512]     { active event IDs in no particular order, NONE for unused elements }

declare %notes[512]   { note number for each of the above events }


{ turn off Kontakt's builtin sustain pedal script }


end on

on note


if ($EVENT_NOTE >= $Root)

$pass := $EVENT_NOTE - $Root

$helper_tune := (%tune_ui[$pass mod $tableNumber]*1000*$Amount)/100

set_text ($test, $pass)

if (($EVENT_NOTE - $Root) mod $tableNumber = 0) {no detuning, octave}

if (in_range(((($EVENT_NOTE - $Root) / $tableNumber) * 12) + $Root,0,127))

change_note ($EVENT_ID, ((($EVENT_NOTE - $Root) / $tableNumber) * 12) + $Root)


ignore_event ($EVENT_ID)

end if


$Detune_Amount := ((1200000 / $tableNumber)*($EVENT_NOTE-$Root)) mod 100000

$Trans_Amount := ((1200000 / $tableNumber)*($EVENT_NOTE-$Root)) / 100000

if (in_range($Root + $Trans_Amount,0,127))

change_note ($EVENT_ID, $Root + $Trans_Amount)

change_tune ($EVENT_ID, $Detune_Amount + $helper_tune,0)

end if

end if

else if ($EVENT_NOTE < $Root)

$pass := $Root - $EVENT_NOTE

$helper_tune := (%tune_ui[($tableNumber - $pass)  mod $tableNumber]*1000*$Amount)/100

set_text ($test, $pass)

if (($EVENT_NOTE - $Root) mod $tableNumber = 0) {no detuning, octave}

if (in_range(((($EVENT_NOTE - $Root) / $tableNumber) * 12) + $Root,0,127))

change_note ($EVENT_ID, ((($EVENT_NOTE - $Root) / $tableNumber) * 12) + $Root)


ignore_event ($EVENT_ID)

end if


$Detune_Amount := ((1200000 / $tableNumber)*($Root - $EVENT_NOTE)) mod 100000

$Trans_Amount := ((1200000 / $tableNumber)*($Root - $EVENT_NOTE)) / 100000

if (in_range($Root - $Trans_Amount,0,127))

change_note ($EVENT_ID, $Root - $Trans_Amount)

change_tune ($EVENT_ID, -$Detune_Amount + $helper_tune,0)

end if

end if

end if

end if

  { add this note event to the first empty array slot }

  $i := search(%ids, 0) 

  if ($i # -1)

    %ids[$i] := $EVENT_ID

    %notes[$i] := $EVENT_NOTE    


    ignore_event($EVENT_ID)  { just a safety precaution in case the polyphony would reach 512 }

  end if

end on

on release

  if (%CC[64] >= 64)

    { ignore note-off when sustain pedal is pressed }



    { release all event IDs with the same note number as this event }

    $i := 0

    while ($i <= num_elements(%ids)-1)

      if (%ids[$i] # $NONE and %notes[$i] = $EVENT_NOTE)


        %ids[$i] := $NONE

      end if


    end while

  end if

end on

on ui_control ($Root)


end on

on controller

  { if sustain pedal released }

  if (%CC_TOUCHED[64] # 0 and %CC[64] < 64)

    { release all events for which the key is no longer held pressed }

    $i := 0

    while ($i <= num_elements(%ids)-1)

      if (%ids[$i] # $NONE and %KEY_DOWN[%notes[$i]] = 0)


        %ids[$i] := $NONE

      end if


    end while

  end if

end on