Meet 08: 2018-07-30

Google Doc Work-space

Task Assignments. Facilitate an empathy circle with family, friends. Report back next week.

Empathy Training Design Team 3: Meeting 8: Ch 7



Create a video: Going on a journey. Following the person on their trip

  • Questions

  • Criticism

    • How does Stephen see his training going?

    • Would like empathy training to go viral. Listening video that went digital


    • What will go do in portugal?

      • study digital humanity.

      • Digital humanities.

      • Digital art, poetry, Work on MA.


    • Taking the story away metaphor. Taking the story away from someone else.

    • Stealing the story. What to do when it happens to me.. If I understand it then it hurts less.

      • Understand what is behind that.

    • Still trying to figure out what to talk about it. What would really get people's attention.


Administrative: (HEADINGS) (Stop-Watch)

Meeting Prep


0. Write 'ON ARRIVAL QUESTION’ below:

(Before or on arrival to the meeting write an answer to this question below)

      1. Next week Read: 8. Forming Reflections

      2. Task Assignments. Facilitate an empathy circle with family, friends. Report back next week.

      3. Meeting Report: Write a short report of the meeting to document the meeting and to share with other teams.

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